Funeral day

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Play song when said

Funeral time everyone in there Who flew or came down

Here's the guest list

Mariano castano ... Brielle cousin
Samy chua ... bestfriend for life
Ricky flores ... bestfriend for life
Nikki valentine ... cousin
Kimberly Moreno ... cousin
Alex Moreno ... cousin
Mariela castano... cousin
Dessmx... friend
Desiree Montoya... bestie
Josie alessia... bestie
Alessia f... Mariano gf / cutie
New Jersey boy just to show condolences

Now for the news ik it's a funeral but go with it

Gabe's mom talking ...

So I think all of you know ... or heard that Brielle passed away but imma say how for the sake of her death and I just wanted you to know that ... her parents did not passed and during the night they killed her... AN INNOCENT GIRL HER OWN PARENTS WE NEED JUSTICE FOR HER SCREAM HER NAME OKKK

Gabe: I knew Brielle the longest since we were 10 almost 9... or 10 yrs and so has Ricky we been hanging buddies and if it wasn't for Brielle ... me and Ricky wouldn't have been the nice gentleman we're today she always kept us in check and everything ... like really in check she always do these funny faces I remember she was like if I die save me an icecream 🍦and I said yeah I will and he pulls out a realistic icecream ... and and ... he starts breaking down while his whole family stands by him and pat shes my girl friend and she's still is I love you Brielle

Than Ricky comes up ... Brielle Moreno Castano was a friend I don't know her like gabe does but I know she was a sucker for him for the longest but I'm glad she's safe in gods hand and not her mom and dads we love you thank you for everything

After her family goes

Play song and keep it playing till ends

Pretend there clips ... of her

Gabe's mom: now we will get info from her cousin Mariano castano

Mariano: I have not emotions to expressed but me and her been through a lot together we're like twins who you know became cousins ... she was my twin ... ngl we were born the same day same time and she was everything gabe said ... when she was lying she would smile 😀 and laugh but not in a normal way lol but she had talent she can sing ... she can dance ... she can cook ... she can do makeup ... she was good at being short but also good at playing the clarinet but not also good but also good at being a good person she was so nice everyone loved her if they didn't they get hurt 😔

After the funeral they left ...

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