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Khadija POV

My bus was running late. The traffic going downtown was so bad this morning. I anxiously checked the time on my phone for the tenth time in as many minutes, 8:52. The bus was still nearly a dozen blocks from the campus, but at this rate, it would be quicker to get off and walk the remaining way. 

Gathering my bookbag from where I had set it by my feet I slung it over my shoulder and made my way to the front of the bus. I spoke briefly with the bus driver, a kindly older man, who thankfully let me off the bus, Alhamdulillah.

Once on the sidewalk, I pointed myself in the direction of the campus and started walking as fast as I could without running into someone. 

I made it to the campus and was hurrying towards my building when a brick wall smacked into me. 

Seth POV

When I ran into her my bad leg got tangled in her long skirt and I tripped, falling on top of her. 

"Oof," she cried out as I landed on top of her. I tried to roll off of her but only succeeded in further entangling myself with her. 

"Oowww," she groaned, "you're crushing me."

I put my hands on either side of her body and pushed myself off of her. She was wearing some type of scarf over her head and the lover part of her face. All I could see were her eyes, I found myself staring into them. Completely absorbed in their deep, moss green depths.

"Can you get off me please?" she asked. 

Her word startled me back to reality. I shifted my weight onto my good leg and flipped over onto my side. Standing, I offered my hand to help her up. She started to reach for my hand then seemed to catch herself and quickly pulled away. She pushed herself off of the ground, wincing when she put pressure on her hands. I could see blood, where she had scraped them on the rough pavement beneath our feet. She frowned as she looked down at her hands, there were bits of rock and grit embedded in her skin.  

"Hold on," I said, pulling my backpack down and rifling through it. "Here," I said. Twisting the cap off of a plastic water bottle and holding it out to her.

She reached out hesitantly and took it, careful to not touch my hand. Even with her face covered I could see her winces of pain as she carefully cleaned her scraped hands. 

I stayed with her. I didn't care that I was late, all I cared about was her. I don't know why I cared about her. I didn't know her. I didn't even know her name, but I cared for her.

I'll be honest, it took me forever to write this chapter. I don't really outline my stories more than just determining the big moments so writing the in-between stuff is sometimes difficult.  I know that it is kind of short, but I plan to have 100+ chapters alhamdulilla.

Hope that you enjoyed it. Be sure to vote so more people can find this story. :)

XOXO, Niqabi in Love

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