Chapter 1

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Harry sat behind his desk in the treasury, his boot clad feet resting on the wooden surface as he lazily counted a stack of gold coins. The entire room was littered with treasures from golden coins, to jewels to crowns; all of which Harry admired. Although obtaining these things was not done in the cleanest of ways. Harry and his men were thieves. Pirates, most would call them. They raided ships and villages in their travels, stealing what they could and leaving before being caught. That was simply the way of life.

He was just beginning to fall asleep in his chair when suddenly the door to the treasury swung open with a bang, revealing Harry's very flustered looking first mate, Liam Payne. "Captain," the man said quickly. "Niall spotted a boy stranded in the water, floating on what looks like ship wreckage."

Harry stood quickly, taking his tall, black hat off of the desk and placing it on his head, the red feather at the front of it standing tall. "Well, go pull him out then!" Harry ordered and Liam gave a quick nod before heading back up on deck once again. It wasn't every day something interesting happened around here, especially after weeks of sailing on open waters.

After a few moments, Harry too made his way up the stairs and onto the main deck. He squinted his eyes in the bright sunlight, adjusting to the bright afternoon. There was a clear commotion among his men, many of them helping to pull on a rope over the edge of the ship and a few simply leaning over the railing to see the alleged stranded boy.

Harry blinked in the sunlight, stepping closer as the crew finally pulled the figure of a boy over the railing and laid him onto the floor. A circle formed quickly around him and Harry easily pushed his way through the men until he was standing beside the boy on the ground, looking down at him with all the others.

There was a long minute of silence while the crew stared at the soaking boy who laid unmoving on the the wooden floor. "Is he dead?" The thick Irish accent of Niall Horan piped through the group. Suddenly a small string of coughs began and the brunette on the floor began to cough up sea water. He caught his breath as he sat up slowly, his wide eyes as they met the crews like a scared child.

There was a soft gasp from each of the men at the sight of the boy now sitting up. He was absolutely gorgeous. The petite boy was clearly curvy, a prominent dip in his waist and a plump arse being accentuated by the damp clothes against his body. His skin was a soft, caramel color, and hair a light brown. Though most breathtakingly of all, he had the most striking blue eyes, a shade of blue that even the ocean itself would envy.

It took a moment before Harry was finally able to snap out of his trance. "What is your name, boy?" Harry demanded, his tone firm though not harsh enough as to scare him. "Louis," the boy finally spoke "Louis Tomlinson."

The captain gave a curt nod. "Okay Louis, what exactly happened to you?" He questioned. He needed to know if the boy was a threat or not, regardless that he didn't look like one.

"My ship was attacked by another group of pirates. I was a crew member on board. When we started to sink I somehow managed to hold onto a piece of the ship and stay afloat." He spoke softly, each of the men around him still staring intently. "I don't think the others survived. I can hardly remember how long I've been floating out there."

There was another silent pause and Harry felt pity for the poor, innocent looking boy. "Well," he finally started again. "I'm Captain Harry Styles. Welcome aboard my ship. You can either stay on board or return to the water again. Though of course if you stay, you follow my rules." Almost without hesitation, Louis nodded. "Of course."

Harry extended his hand to help the boy off the ground, which Louis took and stood up on shaky legs. "Zayn!" Harry called, gesturing to his crew member who typically steered the ship. "Get the boy some dry clothes and something to eat."

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