Chapter 3

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Notes from the author: This chapter is mostly background information and set up for future chapters! I still hope you enjoy though, sorry it's been a while since I've updated Xx.


"What's the matter, siren? Is little Louis powerless all tied up?" Ezra chuckled from behind the bars of Louis' holding cell. Ezra was the master gunner on board Harry's ship, meaning it was the role to maintain the ships guns and ammunition supply.

However, on his way to the weapons room, the man had taken a short detour towards the small keep where Louis was restrained. For the past ten minutes the broad, dark haired pirate had been leaning against the bars of Louis' cell, taunting him relentlessly.

After the incident with Captain Morgan, Louis was brought back here. Harry hadn't said another word. He had simply carried Louis onto the ship, chained his wrists and gagged his mouth once again and left him in the prison cell. It had been two days since then and the ship had already set sail once again. To where though, Louis didn't know. Ezra was the first person Louis had seen since then.

"Oh come on sweetheart, don't give me that look. Smile for me, love." Ezra teased, the corner of his mouth turning upwards into a wicked smirk. Louis continued to glare though, his blue eyes icy cold as he analyzed the man.

There was a long pause before the pirate spoke once again. "You should just be grateful to be alive. Who knows why Harry brought you back here. Maybe he has some kind of death wish. If it were up to me, I would have slit your throat at the first moment you were discovered." Ezra snarled, the previously playful facade dropping instantly as his grey eyes darkened. "You may have the captain under your odd charm, but you're not going to fool me, Princess. Your kind is good for absolutely nothing except destruction and chaos. The scum of the earth. The things that I would do if-"

"Thank you, Ezra." A deep, familiar voice interrupted the man mid-sentence. A moment passed before Harry emerged from around the corner, wearing a long, expensive looking red coat, a large white shirt with a set of drawstrings loosely done over his fit chest, a pair of black trousers and high black boots. His usual tall, feathered hat had been replaced instead with a red bandana which tied back his unruly curls. "I'm sure those cannons aren't going to clean themselves, hm?" Harry said, crossing his arms.

Ezra stepped away from Louis' cell almost instantly, muttering a series of "Harry, I...uh, I was just..." until Harry cleared his throat impatiently, waving a dismissive hand at the crew member who quickly fled the scene without looking back. Louis couldn't help but feel relived to have the man leave.

Harry turned to face Louis in his cell now, simply watching the small siren. There was incredibly heavy air around the two as Louis stared back, his gaze never faltering against the captain's. Finally, Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a large metal loop of keys. He flipped through them in one hand before sliding a simple, rusty silver key into the lock of Louis' prison. Harry pushed the door open slowly, creating a long, drawn out creak from the metal.

"Louis," the man began, speaking even slower than usual. "I might be going rightly insane, but I'm going to remove the tie from your mouth so that we can talk." It seemed as if Harry was saying this to reassure himself rather than notify Louis. "I hope that you won't be inclined to use your song." He said with a forced laugh, though it came out more of a breath than anything else.

The atmosphere around them was strange. This was an unsaid feeling of trust coming from Harry. A trust that both boys knew was to be questioned. Louis was dangerous and nothing was going to change that.

The siren remained perfectly still, his posture impeccably straight as he watched the captain. There was a long pause before Harry finally leaned inwards, incredibly slowly. He approached with the utmost caution, as if any sudden movement ruin everything. Once Harry was close enough, he lifted his arms and reached behind Louis' head, taking the knot of the cloth in his hands and he carefully untied it. The man let let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding and pulled the gag away from Louis' mouth, clutching the blue fabric tightly in his fist.

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