Chapter 5

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Louis giggled into his hand, hiding his smile as he sat on Harry's lap at the breakfast table. It had been two weeks since the pair had their encounter in the treasury and they had been getting on better than ever. They were constantly laughing, teasing each other and flirting throughout the day, and exploring each others bodies long into the night.

"Your giggle is too cute, darling. You're making my men stare." Harry chuckled and pressed a small kiss into the siren's neck. It was true. The long, wooden table in one of the bottom rooms of the boat was where Harry and his men ate their meals, or at least those men who were not tending the ship. All of the sailors sitting in their seats were in fact staring at the captain and Louis. However, not all of them held friendly expressions. 

Most of Harry's crew had grown to like Louis, or at least tolerate his presence on board the ship. Although there were still few who strongly opposed Louis; especially his relationship to their captain. They felt that Louis was somehow charming Harry. That he had the man under his spell. Even more so, they felt that Louis was making Captain Styles weak, putting all of them in danger.

Louis watched the faces that studied he and Harry. He could clearly see the strong hatred lingering in a few of their eyes. It was almost like they were burning holes into his skin. Harry however, seemed to take no notice as he picked a green grape up off of his plate and held it to Louis' lips. 

Louis opened his mouth, taking the small fruit from Harry's fingers. Louis had first tried grapes last week and had adored the new flavor. It was almost sweet yet still tart on his palette. Since then Harry had not stopped feeding them to the siren boy.

"How about you go back to my quarters and once I'm done taking care of a few things I'll meet you there with a bowl of grapes and we can have a little fun, hmm?" Harry whispered with a hum, leaning close into Louis' ear so that only he would hear. Louis' pink lips turned into up into a smile and he giggled once again before he nodded his head and stood up from Harry's lap.

"Don't forget those grapes, Styles." Louis teased, and pressed a small kiss to Harry's cheek before turning away. Although not before Harry was able to give Louis a playful wink and a light smack on the bum.

Louis walked out of the room and through the small, dark hallway before he reached the stairs and climbed up onto the main level. There were only a few men working, doing various tasks on deck. The morning sun shone bright on the water and instantly warmed Louis' skin. He took in a deep breath of sea air and closed his eyes as he let it fill his lungs, allowing himself a moment to simply breathe it all in.

One of the two men who had been swabbing the wooden deck was Ezra, the man who taunted Louis in his cell over a month ago. Of all of Harry's sailors on board, it had become very apparent that Ezra had the strongest dislike for Louis. 

He glared each time he passed Louis in a hall and even made rude gestures or threats on occasion. When he saw Louis standing alone with his eyes closed, he couldn't help but smirk, and nudged the red headed man who had been mopping with him and signaled them to follow him.

"You really liking the sunlight, siren?" Ezra chuckled as he approached Louis with the other man at his shoulder. They were coming towards Louis a little too quickly for his own liking and before he knew it he was practically cornered by the two men. "I'm amazed that the sun can even touch you without burning such an impure demon like yourself, honestly." he laughed bitterly once again. His gray eyes flashed over Louis' short frame quickly, like that of a predator. "You know, the crew can't help but wonder why you're still here. 

I can't help but wonder why you're still alive, for that matter. I mean sure, maybe you're a good shag and that's why the captain keeps you around. Though he'll get tired of you eventually. You must know that." he said quietly, his lips turned downward into a scowl as the other man laughed. They all found something incredibly amusing in provoking the siren. 

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