Chapter 4

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Notes from author: Smutty chapter.


It had been just over three weeks since Louis had been moved to Harry's quarters. Initially, the first night had been incredibly tense between the two men, especially after Louis' heavy confession. Louis could easily kill Harry, but the siren just felt that there was something different about Harry. Something special. Harry had thought about it all night.

The captain had let Louis have his bed, not daring to crawl into the sheets during the night for fear of scaring the gorgeous boy. So instead, Harry had been sleeping in the uncomfortable, wooden chair behind his desk, ignoring the pain that had been in his neck every day since that first night three weeks ago.

However his relationship with the siren had definitely gotten better. It had taken nearly all of the first week for the two men to become comfortable with each other's presence. There was still something incredibly intimidating about Louis, though eventually Harry and some of the crew had learned to cope. However, there were still some men on board who greatly opposed having Louis on the ship, especially when Harry allowed him to leave the captain's quarters and wander freely on deck. Honestly, Harry was just surprised the boy hadn't decided to flee back into the water.

By the second week, Harry had found a purpose for Louis. He could tell that the siren was itching to cause mischief. On one instance, he even walked into the kitchen to find Louis tormenting a bucket of crabs they had caught by using his strange powers to create a whirlpool. However when an Italian merchant ship appeared to be approaching them on the horizon, Harry came up with a brilliant idea. He was going to use Louis to help them raid ships.

The plan was always simple really, they would see a ship approaching and once it was close enough, Harry and his men would cover their ears with whatever they could find while Louis started his song. The unsuspecting sailors on the opposing ships would be drawn to his voice, lost in a trance. Then Harry and his men would make their way over to the ship and steal all they could while the men were distracted. In doing this, the captain's treasury filled up with beautiful items twice as fast.

On one evening, the crew had been especially lucky when they had crossed paths one of the English royal family's trading vessels. When Harry had gone onto the ship, he and his men wandered around before finding the treasury. There had been enough gold to last Harry and his crew members their entire lifetime.

- - -

"Look!" Louis giggled loudly. He and Harry had gone into treasure room on Harry's ship that night after the raid of the English ship. Harry lifted his head from the desk where he had been counting gold coins to see Louis sat down on the floor beside his own pile of coins. He was wearing a large, gold crown embedded with jewels the same blue color as his eyes.

 It must have been in one of the many expensive chests Louis was digging through earlier. His hair was a feathery mess and Harry's large, white shirt that he was wearing had dropped slightly, exposing his shoulder and collar bones. "I'm a prince!" Louis giggled once again, showing his pointy teeth in a wide smile as the crown began to tip slightly on his head.

Harry thought Louis looked absolutely sinful. His mouth was practically watering at the picturesque pose of the lovely boy. It was as if of all the treasures in this room, Louis was still the most beautiful one. Harry wanted him. The captain forced a small laugh and dropped the coins onto the desk. "Sure you are, princess." Harry teased, walking forward slowly, examining the boy.

"Prince or princess, I'm still royalty, Styles." Louis teased back with impossible ease. However the atmosphere in the room was slowly becoming thicker and thicker as Louis watched the captain slowly approach him. It was such a change, it was almost as if Harry was a predator carefully creeping up on it's prey. Louis had never seen Harry like this. He'd always been able to see Harry's constant attraction to him, he figured it was because of his siren charm. This was different though. Harry was practically overwhelmed with need.

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