part 5

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At bedtime, Goth wanted to read a story with Palette again. Palette agreed. As they were reading, Goth fell asleep on Palette’s shoulder. Palette got her to lay down and layed next to her, passing out. 

Goth was asleep until Dream woke her up at noon for lunch. Poor thing played hard the last few days and she was exhausted. 

“Goth, hun, get up please. Up. Come on.” Goth groaned. “Goth, wake up, please. Lunch is ready.” More groaning.

“I don’t wanna get up.”

“I know. Come on.”

Goth did eventually get up. Exhausted, she stumbled down the stairs, to the kitchen where Palette was sitting at the table while Ink was finishing up a grilled cheese sandwich and putting it on a plate. He also tossed on some strawberries and carrots with ranch. 

Goth sat down and Ink greeted her. “Good morning, sleepyhead. How’d you sleep?”

“I slept well. You?” 

“I slept well thanks. Palette missed you.” he chuckled as he set the plates in front of the kids. Palette started to eat his grilled cheese and Goth was picking at her carrots.

Ink started to make more sandwiches for himself and Dream. Dream was chatting with Ink and Palette. She was trying to talk with Goth as well, but Goth was not wanting to talk, as she just woke up. Palette was already done when Goth had just finished her carrots and had a few bites of her sandwich. She yelped from how hot the sandwich was and ate her strawberries to wait for the grilled cheese to cool down.

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