part 7

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Goth was crying as Palette held her, trying to calm her down. “Hey, it's going to be okay, we will get out of here. It's okay.”

There was a knock at the door and Xavier went to answer it. Apparently, it was one of his friends. 

“Well,” the friend handed Xavier some money. “It’s a promise.”

“Of course, Zaiden. Get one of them.”

Zaiden looked at the kids. “The girl.”

“She’s yours.”

Zaiden took Goth by the arm and pried her away from Palette. “No! Please!” 


Xavier held Palette back as Goth was drugged away and out the door.

Ink and Dream hadn’t seen the kids in a few hours, and it was starting to concern them. They went over to Geno and Reaper’s house.

“Hey, are the kids here? We haven't seen them since they went off to play this morning.” Ink said as he held onto Dream, who was on the brink of tears.

“No, they  never came here.” Geno said as she checked the time. “It’s almost nine at night. Where are they?”

“We’ve checked everywhere, and can’t find them.” Dream said as she started to cry. Geno was close to crying too.

“Let’s call the police and file the two missing person reports.” Reaper said as he dialed 9-1-1. He talked on the phone for a while with the dispatcher and about fifteen minutes later, the cops arrived.

They explained the situation and answered all the questions that the officers had. The officers assured them that the kids will be found soon.

“I sure hope so.” Reaper muttered as the cops left and went to cuddle Geno. Ink and Dream had gone home.

Geno cried herself to sleep.

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