Chapter 30: Panic

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     A gunshot was heard on the floor above Jimin and Hoseok. The kids Jumped and ran behind the couch before peeking from behind it at the two men that looked a bit freaked out.

"Was that what I think it was?!" Hoseok panicked, looking at Jimin.

"Yep and it sounded like it came from-" Jimin stopped as the blood drained from his face as Hoseok finished his sentence in a whisper.

"Jungkook's apartment."

     Jimin ran out the front door and to the staircase instead of the elevator since it would be faster to get to the floor above. Running up the steps, he finally reached the door for the 21st floor and ran down the halls until he reached Jungkook's apartment door that was wide open. Jungkook laid in the hallway of his apartment in a pool of blood, with no one else around.

     The sight before him broke Jimin's heart as tears streamed down his face. He quickly pulled his phone out and dialed 911, waiting for them to pick up as he bent down on the ground and put pressure on the wound.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator said, waiting for Jimin to reply. Jimin tried to grab a hold of reality to try and respond clearly to the operator.

"My boyfriend— has been— shot and he's bleeding out. H-h-h-he's t-t-three months p-pregnant and I d-d-don't want t-to lose him. Please save him!." Jimin replied as he sobbed and gasped for air.

"Okay, I'm gonna need you to take a deep breath, hold it for a couple seconds and release. Now do that again a couple of times." After about 20 seconds the operator could tell that Jimin had calmed down a bit and resumed speaking.

"Now, can you tell me where he was shot and if he's aware of what's going on around him?" The operator asked as she heard Jimin take a deep breath before speaking.

"Y-yeah. He was shot right above the s-s-stomach and no, he isn't even awake." Jimin let out a sob as he realized the situation and where the wound was, but quickly got a hold of himself for the operator.

"Alright can you tell me both of your names and where you're located?" The operator asked, the clicking of the keyboard mixing with the sound of Jimin taking another breath before speaking again.

"My name's Park Jimin, my boyfriend's name is Jeon Jungkook. He lives at Sunrise Apartments in apartment 2110." Jimin said before crying again.

"Okay, I need you to answer two more questions for me. Here's the first one, is the shooter anywhere nearby?" The operator replied as she typed away on her computer.

"I don't know! The persons not in my line of sight if they are." Jimin replied, feeling frustrated as he started crying again.

"Okay and do you have an idea of who the shooter might be." The operator asked, making the line go silent. The realization started to bloom inside Jimin at what he saw before him while the operator grew concerned.

"Mr. Park? Are you still ther-" The operator tried to ask before hearing a loud sound come through the phone that fell out of Jimin's hand and to the floor.


"Mr. Park?!" the operator asked frantically but didn't get an answer.

"Operator to dispatch! Operator to dispatch!" The operator said as she quickly contacted dispatch to make her call priority.

"Dispatch speaking."

"I need an ambulance and the police to get to Sunrise Apartments, apartment 2110 as quickly as possible. Shots were fired and there is one person for sure that has been shot and possibly another." The operator said typing all the information that Jimin had told her quickly.

"All right, we'll get on it." The dispatcher said before disconnecting the call. The operator then heard something from the phone that Jimin called from.

"Hello? Mr. Park? Are you still there? Please talk to me?" The operator asked calmly, waiting for a response.

"Y-yeah." Jimin croaked out, the operator being able to tell he was in pain.

"Have you been shot?" The operator asked, making Jimin giggle but ended up in a coughing fit, starting to cough up blood.

"Yes, that's quiet a stupid question." Jimin replied in a whisper while holding onto his own wound now. The operator furiously typing into the computer again.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you saw who it was. Did you recognize the person?" The operator asked, trying to keep Jimin awake.

"I did. His name is Eun Lee and he's Jungkook's abusive ex-husband and he has a restraining order against him. I don't even kno-"Jimin started to say before coughing again. The operator became worried as she typed in the new information.

"What don't you know and where were you shot?" The operator asked.

"I don't even know how he even got in the building and I've been shot on the right upper side." Jimin said as he heard the sirens getting closer and his eyes getting heavy. The typing of the operator barely heard from the other side of the phone.

"Okay, help is on the way. Please stay strong until they get there." The operator begged, hoping Jimin would stay aware of his surroundings. Jimin thought for a little bit before something clicked in his mind.

"Mr. Park? Are you still there?" The operator asked since it became quiet for about 30 seconds.

"Scratch what I said before. I think I might know who let him in." Jimin said as he started to slump.

"Who do you think let him in?" The operator asked, knowing that he was getting tired.

"The new worker named Amber. As we left the front desk she said have a good evening with the creepiest smile like she knew what was about to happen. I think I'm going to sleep now." Jimin whispered as the operator started to furiously type again.

"No, no, no, no! Please stay awake Mr. Park! You need to stay awake!" The operator said, hoping Jimin would listen.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not able to." Jimin said as he heard the elevator doors open and people running up the stairs before passing out completely.

"Mr. Park! Mr. Park!" The operator said through the phone trying to keep him up but prove to be futile. Thankfully a couple of seconds later someone had picked up the phone and replied.

"The medics and police are here now. We'll handle things from here." The medic said, making the operator sigh in relief.

"Okay, be safe." The operator said to the medic on the receiving end.

"You too!" The medic said before hanging up the phone.

Authors Notes

I feel like an evil genius this chapter. I wasn't even planning to get Jimin shot but saw the opening and was like, I'm going do that too. lol. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoy the chapter!

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