Techno Fight

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"WHAT?!?" Tommy yelled.

Techno jumped over to Tommy and shoved him into a close puddle. Tommy splashed and quickly jumped up, spraying water in everyone's direction. The droplets covered Tubbo as he jumped in the way of splashing Ranboo.

"Why me?" Shouted Wilbur. "What did I do?" The grey streak in his hair glistening from the water. "I just got out of death, why shove me back into that hell?"

Techno laughed. "Why, you ask?" He said after a long, heavy laugh. "Because you sided with him." He pointed to Dreamon.

Techno jumped on top of Wilbur and put his axe to his throat. "Glad to have you, but you have to leave now." His axe came up, but he was unable to put it down. He looked around confused, but saw Tommy holding the back of the axe.

"You can't kill Wilbur," Tommy said. "Please."

Techno looked down onto Tommy. 

"You haven't been there, but if he goes back to the in between... do you know what hell that is?" Tommy cried.

"No, and he deserves it," Techno ominously stated, as he kicked Tommy away. He lifted the axe again, but before it went down, he saw Niki holding onto the sharp blade. Blood started to drip down her dainty arms from clutching the sharp axe. 

"What are you DOING?" Techno roared, pulling out the axe again. "Doesn't anyone want JUSTICE? He BLEW UP L'Manburg! What is WRONG with you guys?"

"We can't let you kill him," Philza said suddenly, walking over to Wilbur and helping him up.

"Thank you, Fath-" Wilbur started.

"Zip it," Plilza spat. "We aren't done with you." He turned towards Techno. "He has not done anything wrong since coming out, and he has to pay for his crimes."

"But-" Techno started.

"No, he has to pay for his crimes with a trial and a judge, if he belives he is innocent." Philza said, Dad-like.

"See?" Wilbur said and stuck his tongue out at Techno. Techno scoffed. 

"Well, this arsonist has proved to be good at lying, so why do you think he'd be worried, or receive a fair punishment?" Techno pointed out.

"Guys," Ranboo said suddenly. "We are supposed to be finding Michael, not giving jail sentences."

"He's right," Sapnap said, his voice full of boredom. "Can we go find the missing child?"

"Found him," Tubbo pointed to Tommy. 

"Hey! Not funny," Tommy pouted as everyone snickered.

"But seriously," Sapnap continued. "Can we save the jokes and trials for later please?"

Niki nodded first, and everyone --almost reluctantly-- did the same.

"I think we have a good crew to find him too," Niki said. She gestured to everyone.

Dreamon, Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, George, Sapnap, Jack, Philza, and possibly Techno.

What could possibly go wrong?


Soo, the views have been declining, so I possibly won't finish this. Please comment if you want a next part, or I just might never finish this q-p 

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