Dreamon's Offer

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"I don't KNOW!" Tubbo shot back as he was pacing the kitchen. 

"I'm really sorry about that," Niki said mournfully. "I should've been watching him."

Wilbur put a hand on Niki's shoulder. "It's not your fault," He said kindly. "If RANBOO hadn't been ENDERWALKING and trying to KILL everyone then-"

"No!" Tubbo yelled. None of this was Ranboo's fault, and everyone knew that. "Fault isn't what we are looking for. We are looking for Michael."

Everyone nodded in agreement, except Dreamon, who just snorted.

"I should've been watching him," Niki said quietly.

"I should've been watching him, too. He's my son," Tubbo added, putting a hand on Niki's shoulder and earned a scowl from Wilbur.

"I think in the heat of the battle he probably hid," Wilbur pointed out. "So it's nobody's fault but Ranboo's."

"Goddamnit, Wilbur. It wasn't Ranboo's fault," Tommy said. "I think it was Tubbo's." Tommy crossed his arms and glared at Tubbo.

"Hey!" Tubbo cried, hurt.

"You said it yourself," Tommy said, matter-of-factly. "And I have to disagree with SOMEONE."

"Why would you have to do that?"

Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Niki turned towards the couch, were Ranboo was halfway sitting up. Ranboo put his hand on his forehead. His eyes were now a vibrant green and red, no longer the piercing violet eyes that hungered for blood.

Wilbur glared at Ranboo, and Ranboo slinked down to hide.

"What did I do this time?" He said quietly.

"Well.." Tubbo said.

"YOU TRIED TO KILL NIKI!" Wilbur yelled.

"Making him feel guilty is not the po-" Tubbo started.

"He didn't just try to kill Niki," Tommy hissed, cutting Tubbo off. "He tried to kill me and Tubbo as well. Then Wilbur tried to kill you, which I have no objection to, by the way."

Ranboo looked down at his hands and jumped back. The blood was dark and thick. You could smell the metallic scent. He looked around and saw how everyone but Dreamon had some sort of bloody wound.

"I did that?" He whispered.

Tubbo nodded. He went close to Ranboo and hugged him close. Ranboo sniffed and tried not to cry. 

"Okay," Dreamon said. "Enough emotion, it sickens me," Dreamon tossed his head.

"We need to find Micheal, Dreamon. Could you help us find him?" Tubbo pleaded sweetly.

"All right," Dreamon said. He waved his hand and a small portal appeared. "Step on in."

Tubbo looked around, giving the others a are you good with this? sort of look. Niki nodded, and Wilbur did shortly after. Ranboo looked to the ground and gave a slight nod. Tommy smiled, and Tubbo knew he was ready. 

"Okay," Tubbo said. "Lets go."

They all jumped into the purple-ish portal with only the stuff on their back and the weapons in their hands.


Beeduo [TUBBOxRANBOO]Where stories live. Discover now