The Rescue Crew

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Through the portal was Snowchester, right next to Ranboo's old house. The freezing cold bit Tubbo, and Ranboo pulled him close, warming him. 

"Here we are," Dreamon said, inhaling. "Ahh."

  Ranboo gave him a look, and Dreamon turned away.

"Why would this help us?" Niki said, shivering. "Michael couldn't have already gone here."

"No, no. I don't know where Michael is," Dreamon said, looking off into the distance. "But I have some people who could help you find him."

Suddenly, Sapnap, George, and Jack Manifold melted out of the mountain snow, it seemed. Sapnap was in a warm white coat, and George was rocking a coat that mimicked is usual cyan shirt. Jack was wearing is usual blue and grey striped hoodie. Tubbo envied how comfortable they looked, and looked down on his green little dress shirt.

"Gogy!" Tommy cried, lunging at George with his arms opened wide. George and Tommy embraced for a few seconds, until George finally pushed Tommy off of him.

"Hello, Tommy," George said breathlessly.

"Yeah, hello to you to, Tommy," Sapnap snapped sarcastically.

Tommy glared at him. "Sorry," He spat.

"Hey now," Dreamon said. "Calm down. How will you find Micheal if you can't even have a normal conversation?"

Sapnap crossed his arms and turned away from Tommy. Tommy mimicked the movement.

"Yeah, well if you want our help, you'll need to be more polite, Tommy," Jack said with a fake 'parent' type of voice.

"Fuck off, Jack," Tommy replied.

Jack rolled his eyes.

George turned towards Tubbo. "Do you have any clue were you last saw him?" He asked kindly.

Tubbo shook his head, and Ranboo looked at his feet. Niki raised her hand. "I think I know!" She said excitedly.

"Where?" Tommy turned quickly to Niki. "Where did he go?!?" He grabbed Niki's shirt and pulled her forward. Wilbur reached for Tommy, but Tubbo stomped over to Tommy before Wilbur could and shoved Tommy backwards. "Calm down!" He yelled. "Stop being so foking aggressive!!"

"You don't swear at me," Tommy said, partly hurt, partly mad. "What has gotten into you?" He released Niki's shirt, and Niki fell into Wilbur's arms.

Everyone then looked at Tubbo. He looked down at his feet and put his hands into fists. 

"He's just worried," Ranboo tried to defend Tubbo. "I mean, we just lost our son!"

"Why aren't you worried then?" Niki asked genuinely.

All eyes were on Ranboo now. He looked off into the distance uncomfortably. 

"Ey, you fucks," Jack Manifold called. "He can't make eye contact!"

Everyone looked away from Ranboo, and Ranboo let go of his held breath.

"Am I late or something?" 

Everyone turned around and saw the king. His pig mask shined with fresh blood, and his axe was painted red. He gave them a pearly white smile. "I have arrived."

"TECHNO!" Tommy called to Technoblade. He reached out for a hug, but pulled back at the fierce glare Techno gave him. 

"I know where your son is," Techno said. "But he comes with a price." Techno pointed to Wilbur.

"His life."

Beeduo [TUBBOxRANBOO]Where stories live. Discover now