Chapter 14

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It was February and I hadn't seen or spoken to Kells since. Rook and Ramsey bounced back and forth between our houses, but whatever information Ram gathered while next door she kept to herself. I knew it was less out of loyalty to Rook and his best friend than it was fear that one wrong thing would send me flying off the edge.

For Valentine's Day, I found myself alone in a high end restaurant filled with happy couples. I cut away at my chicken piccata, seething at all the deluded couples around me. There was faint piano music wafting through the air and it was probably the only thing keeping me calm. The music faded to an end and soon enough a bottle of red wine plopped on my table followed by Ian.

"You look like you could use this,"

"I'm not old enough to drink," I dead panned.

"Perks of being friends with the owner, Sparkles," Ian responded, popping off the top and pouring the wine in the glass.

I grabbed the glass and took a large gulp.

"So, no romantic plans with the boyfriend today?" Ian asked.

"He's with his new baby momma."

"Ouch," Ian grimaced. "And after all that possessiveness at the party? I thought for sure the next time I saw the two of you, y'all would have matching rings and tattoos."

"We dated for a week before that bitch decided to tell him."

"Who's the baby momma?"

"Her name is Tiffany."

"Blonde bimbo? Short dress? Probably two brain cells at best? She was the party, right?"

"That would be her."

"Well, Sparkles, I am very sorry to hear that. If you don't mind, I am also alone on this cheesy holiday and I would very much like to invite you back to my place for very strong drinks and a lot of venting out our anger."

"Tempting, Ian, but I should probably just go home. Getting drunk usually leaves me with a lot of fucked up emotions that I don't feel like dealing with."

"Sparkles, just say yes, please."

I sat there and mulled it over. Ian wasn't Kells. I wasn't even attracted to Ian the way I was attracted to Kells. Ian was cute and suave and flirty and funny but I didn't really know Ian. We didn't have a long history together. And we never would if I didn't go home with him. Nothing has to happen. We can just hang out and have fun, I told myself.

"Okay, let me just finish my chicken."

Ian slipped into the chair and we made polite small talk while I ate. When I finished, he picked up the tab and paid for my meal before leading me out to the parking lot.

"You really didn't have to pay," I insisted.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let the lady pay for her meal?" He smirked.

"Well, thank you, again," I replied.

"Did you drive?" Ian asked, spinning around to face me.

"Uh, no. I got an Uber."

"Good, follow me," He smiled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the block to a parking tower.

We climbed in the rickety elevator and made our way up. When we reached the third floor, he guided me off and weaved through the cars. He pulled out his keys and led me to a black Audi. He opened the passenger door and I slid in admiring the sleek interior. We drove in silence through the bustling downtown to closer to the Garden District. We finally reached a lavish apartment complex. He parked and guided me into the building.

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