Chapter 18

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It was exactly how things used to be. He got up and grabbed some cantaloupe out of the fridge for us to snack on before grabbing a blanket and coming back to the sofa. He sat down, tossing the blanket over us before pulling me to his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. He turned off Reign and began scrolling through Netflix.

"About Time," I said, peeking my eyes open.

"About time for what?" Kells asked.

"The movie. I want to watch the movie About Time," I smiled.

"A rom com? Really?"

"Well if I only have you for one night, I have to take advantage of the time I have with you," I teased.

"Don't say it like that, please" he begged.

"It's the truth Col. We can't pretend it isn't."

"You could have me every night. You're choosing not to."

"You made that decision for me when you decided to move Tiffany into your house and play happy family."

"And I'm telling you now, I'm taking that decision back."

I sat up and moved to the other side of the sofa.

"Put the movie on."

He huffed out a breath before putting the movie on and leaning his head back. He reached out again and pulled me back to him. I curled up against him and felt myself dozing off.

"Hell no, get the fuck out of my house," I heard Ramsey ordering.

I felt Colson shifting behind me as he got up and slipped silently out the door. I peeled my eyes open to see Ramsey slamming the door shut.

"What the hell, Rey?" She demanded.

I took a sharp breath in before the tears poured down my face. "I miss him," I cried.

"I know you do. I miss him too, but this," She gestured wildly at me and the sofa and the door through Colson had just left, "is for your own good. Stay away from him."

"We apologized, though," I tried to reason.

"I do not care. Stay away from him. You run into him in the driveway, do not talk to him. You see him at the grocery store, hide in the popcorn aisle. Stay. Away." She turned and stormed off to her room.

Rook turned and gave me a sympathetic smile. "She just doesn't want to see you hurt."

"I know."

"I normally would say listen to Ram, but, I know he's been miserable without you. We all have been miserable at the house without you. I'm not saying you guys can go back to being the way y'all were, but I don't think there's any point in both of you being miserable."

"We'll just have to see where things go, I guess. Rook, can you come with me to the house? I need to record myself singing and playing piano for Ian's band. They're playing at some parades in Houma and I agreed to help with vocals. They want to hear a 'demo.'"

"You can't just go over wherever they practice and, like, audition?"

"Apparently the bassist, Audie, is very picky about being 'professional,'" I said, adding air quotes around "professional."

"Fucking weird. But, yeah, let's go," he said, pulling me up from the sofa and heading to the door.


Okay super short update for today. But the next chapter is gonna have something a little more interesting in it. I skipped class to write this tbh, but also my zoom wasn't working anyway so there ya go. Umm thank you all for voting. Feel free to leave a comment. Literally about anything. How bad this chapter is. Your fave songs. Minecraft YouTube. idc lol just feel free to comment. 

Love you all,


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