Bakugou - Childhood 'Friend'

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You don't have a quirk and you met Katsuki through his mum. You are one of Mitsuki's friends daughters. He was always mean to you because of it. It didn't really bother you as you knew it was just his personality.

You two grew up together and he would always go on about how your similar to this Deku kid. You've never met him but you know about him. You know that he was also quirkless.

You grew up going to a place where they taught you how to fight someone with knifes. Your mother and father wanted you to learn how to defend yourself. By the time you were 13, you were at the top of the class and could beat the older groups as well. You never really told Katsuki.

(Y/n) POV

The day he left to to go UA. (You were somewhat friends at this point.)

"Do you promise to stay safe?" I Asked the boy I knew I'd never see again. "Yes (Y/n), I promise to stay safe." He said snarkily. His mother already went inside which gave us time on our own. "I'm gonna miss you." A tear ran down my face as I said that. "Why?" You shrugged. "I don't know. Who else is gonna yell at me when I come over uninvited but your mum lets me in? Who's gonna yell at me when I do something stupid?" He looked unsatisfied. "Who's gonna Tell me that everything is gonna be fine when I know it isn't?" He knew what I was talking about.

Your mother likes to go out and get drunk. She is a very attractive woman but puts that into the box of advantages. When she comes home, she would either be with another man or she would just be drunk. She would expect you to do everything when she's drunk but you know it is just because of the Alcohol. She would also hit you but it was because of the alcohol.

When she is sober, she will be nice. She doesn't really know how to comfort people nor to look after a child so you had to learn from a young age. Your fine with that because you enjoy helping your mother.

"You'll be fine." He stated calmly. "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Do you promise to call me?" He looked at me with a confused expression. "Please. I need to hear from you." "Why?" I let out more tears.
"Because I need to know that your okay." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I promise to call if you stop worrying about me. I'll also text you the times from when to call me because of classes." I nodded.

"Can I have a hug?" He gave me an 'Are you serious' look. "Please." He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around my neck in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I won't show it and this is the first and last time you will hear me say it but I will miss you (Y/n)." I smiled. "I'll miss yelling at you and things like that and I will miss comforting you." I couldn't help but blush. "I'll treasure the words forever." We let go of each other. "Now I can finally say I've found Katsuki's soft side." I smirked. "Don't make me regret it." He stated with a stern look. "Okay I'm sorry." He gave me a side look. "Goodbye (Y/n)." He said turning to leave. "Goodbye Katsuki."

I watched him walked down the street and out of sight. I turned to go back into Katsuki's house. "Hey Mitsuki, can I go into Katsuki's room?" I Asked her. She nodded. I walked up the stairs and into his room. He hasn't let me into his room for about five months. I opened the door and walked in without a second thought.

There wasn't anything special it was just an ordinary bedroom. There was nothing to hide but something caught my eye. It was a photo album. I picked it up and sat on his bed. I looked through the different pictures. I started crying once again. They were pictures of us all through the years. From when we were five to now being fifteen. It was so nice. On the last page it read 'Happy Birthday!' I smiled at it. I decided to call Katsuki and ask about it.

"Hello, What do you want?" Growled a voice from the other side. "Your gonna hate me but your mother let me in your room and I found a photo album. Who is it for?" I Asked already knowing the answer. "First of all, I don't want you to go in my room. Second of all, don't go through my draws. And third, yeah, it's for your birthday so put it back and go and get it on your birthday." I smiled and laughed but there was a lot of chattering the other side. "Where are you right now?" I wondered. "I'm in my class. The teacher isn't here yet so we are doing whatever we want." I laughed. "Okay well, I'll leave you to your class." I giggled. "Yeah, see ya." He hung up. I didn't want to leave so I called my mum.

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