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Omg 200 reads?? I love you so much!! Please give me feedback or comment I'd love to see your comments. this is dedicated to nomorecoolusernames love you moron

Mali Koa's car made a thumping noise as Amelia slammed its door shut. A beeping noise indicated Mali Koa had locked it. Lights were flashing all around them, while some policemen had come outside to push the paparazzi away.

"Morning ladies" an officer at the desk greeted when they were sheltered. "You will be received in a couple of minutes."

Amelia nodded and she sat down. That was a shitty birthday she had. This was the first birthday in the years she had been Mrs Hood that she had a horrible birthday. Apart from the time she had her fifteenth birthday, but that aside, she looked at discomfort all the police officers who passed by and glanced at the two women. Totally opposite to wat was still happening outside. A loud scream and mixtures of questions floated in the air.

Amelia crossed her legs and she began to tap a beat on her knees. That was her habit. Trying to find any beat out of nowhere. She was used to it because it was one of Calum's little unknown habit. Mali Koa was sat next to her, but quickly shifted away as she spotted a coffee machine which seemed to be older than her mother.

Mali Koa was dependent from coffee. Especially when she was worried or nervous. She quickly returned with two small plastic cups in her hands and she gave one to Amelia, which was very kind of her. A faint sound of high heels clicked made her realise that, that moment wasn't ideal to think about Mali Koa and her many obsessions.

"Mrs..." The rough looking police woman in front of Amelia said. She had a manly frame and a very serious look on her face. She examined the sheet of paper she had in her hands. "Hood" she finally read.

"Please follow me." Amelia got up from her seat, took a last look at Mali Koa who faintly smiled as she passed her her half empty cup of coffee she didn't have time to drink.

Public buildings always looked the same to Amelia, maybe because she had never gotten into a state building after her marriage to Calum. Every state school and building has been cancelled from her mind. It looked dull and lifeless. As if the people in there sucked all its happiness. What did it had to do though? It was a police station.

"Here, Mrs Hood you can go in." The manly police woman opened her the door to a dim lighted room. Inside there was a police officer sat down behind his wooden desk tapping his pen against its surface.

"Good Morning." Amelia walked slowly towards to the desk after the police woman had shut the door.

"Please sit down Ms." The police officer looked young. He seemed to have her or Calum's age. Amelia couldn't stop noticing the bright ring he wore which shone ever so bright. He must have been married.

He licked his lips twice before he stood up to speak. "So Mrs Hood, I only have one question for you, and it's quite important we have an honest response from you."


He took out a cream coloured box which looked very familiar to her. Yes. It was where Calum claimed to keep all the bills for his stuff and Amelia couldn't have cared less.

"You know what's in this box?"

"My husbands bills sir."

He smirked as he opened the lid of the box. Then he took out a leather journal. Opening it, and flicking through its pages. "So you're telling me you don't know what this is?"

"No sir, never seen such thing in my life."

"Apparently, this isn't something that has to do with bills Ms. This is something personal Mr Hood kept under your bed." He put in his hand to get some more things. And Amelia slowly realised, that her own husband had lied to her. She felt more pain when the officer handed her some photos. Calum. Had lied to her.

Tears of regret were cascading down her cheeks as the young officer tried to comfort her.

"I'm ok sir..."

"Don't call me sir, call me Luke, Luke Hemmings."

Cliffhanger lava you

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