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English translation of everything spoken in Italian is in bold.

"Follow me." He ordered as he entered the mansion.

Lily was awestruck, the mansion was huge and very glamorous, she'd thought this type of luxury was only on tv which was pretty explainable considering the fact she had only been to a few places in her nineteen years of life.

She was cut off from her train of thoughts by the sound of a woman.

"Bentornato, signore." Said a woman who seemed to be in her twenties as she bowed her head down in respect.

"Welcome back, sir."

"Dov'è la mamma?" Asked Xavier almost instantly not acknowledging her welcoming.

"Where is mother?"

"Nella sua stanza, signore."

"In her room, sir."

"Dille che sono arrivato."

"Tell her that I've arrived."

"Si signore."

"Yes, sir."

Lily felt really dumb as she heard their conversation go on, she didn't understand a single word.

She was surprised when the woman didn't question her presence and instead minded her own business.

Moments later, a middle-aged woman entered engulfing Xavier in a bone-crushing hug.

"Sei tornato!"

"You're back!"

"Si mamma." He replied hugging her back and kissing the crown of her head.

"Yes, mom."

Lily watched the scene go down in complete awe, she couldn't believe that a mafia boss could be this sweet with anyone.

"E tu chi sei bella signora?" She asked as soon as she got out of her son's arms.

"And who are you, pretty lady?"

"Lei non-parla Italiano, mamma."

"She doesn't speak Italian, mother."

"What's your name, pretty lady?" She asked in her thick Italian accent.

"L-ily." Stammered Lily in response.

"Nice to meet you, Lily. May I know why are you here?"

"I'll tell you later, for now, let her rest." Xavier quickly cut in.

"Okay, I'll call a maid to help her."

"That would be great."

Moments later, a maid came and ordered Lily to follow her.

"Uhm M-a'am." Stuttered Lily.

"Yes, what do you want?" The maid quickly snapped.

"Uhm I was wondering where are you taking me to."

"Don said to take you to your room to rest because you were travelling with him doing God knows what."

"O-okay, thanks." Thanked Lily although she could tell the maid wasn't a fan of her presence.

Moments later, they finally arrived at a room where the maid unlocked the door and left without saying a word.

Lily assumed that that was her room and decided to enter it.

The room was nothing special, it was a small room with a small bed, a wardrobe, and a door which she presumed led to a bathroom.

She decided not to do anything unless told to so she to laid in bed and stared at the ceiling and eventually fell asleep

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She decided not to do anything unless told to so she to laid in bed and stared at the ceiling and eventually fell asleep.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Please vote and comment, it really means a lot <3

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