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It was a week after Lily had started working in the mansion and she was starting to get used to the routine.

She would wake up early every day, do her work, and then get back to her room to most likely cry herself to sleep at her fate.

She had also become very close with Gisele in a short amount of time and couldn't be more grateful for her, Gisele would help her whenever she could and was always there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on.


Xavier's work was going smoothly, his shipments were being shipped with no hardships, he was making peace with most of his enemies, you could just say that his life was passing by smoothly yet every night before going to sleep he would feel something, an emotion he's never felt before.


He was feeling guilty about kidnapping Lily especially after hearing her cry the other night.

He was passing by Lily's room which happened to be near the pool for a late-night swim when he heard her cries, she was crying really hard praying to god begging him to let her see her parents just one more time.

"I-I just want to see them, God. Even if it's only one time, I just want to see them and tell them how much I love them. Please let me see them. I promise I'll start praying more." She cried out loud not caring if anyone hears her.

Xavier felt a pang in his heart at her words, he couldn't help but feel bad for the innocent girl ever since he'd met her.

He wanted to let her go but knew he couldn't risk anything happening to his mafia, he'd sworn to protect it no matter what.

He couldn't risk it. Although he had the authorities in Italy under his control, if he lets her go she'll go back to her home and most likely tell the authorities about him kidnapping her which will cause him trouble with the authorities there. He could've solved the issue if London wasn't the home of his enemies, the British mafia who would do anything to ruin him and his reputation.

He decided that his decision of keeping her was reasonable although deep down he knew it was wrong to keep an innocent woman hostage and resumed his walk to the pool.

He decided that his decision of keeping her was reasonable although deep down he knew it was wrong to keep an innocent woman hostage and resumed his walk to the pool

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It was the day of the annual mafia ball and the whole mansion was in chaos.

Everybody was rushing to get everything ready on time, the decorations, the food, everything.

Lily was told that she was to serve that day and not cook since they were short on maids.

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