✧┆The Fall Festival

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Every year during the Fall in Zephyr Heights, Queen Haven annually holds a Fall Festival for all Pegasus to enjoy. But now, Sunny has reunited the Earth Pony's, Unicorns, and Pegasus's and this year, Queen Haven has planned to send her daughters to invite the Earth Pony's and Unicorns to this wonderful annual fest.

"Sweeties, I have called you to the throne room to ask you two a favor," Queen Haven pulled out 2 piles of flyers.

Pipp wondered, "What are these Flyers for Mother?"

Queen Haven explained, "You see, I wanted to invite the Earth Ponies and Unicorns to our annual Fall Festival. Thus, I was wondering if you two could possibly deliver these flyers. I need one of you to go to Maretime Bay and the other one will go to Bridlewood. All I ask is that you be careful and-"

Pipp immediately interrupted her Mother, "I call dibs on Maretime Bay." "Very well dear, Thus. Zipp will take a trip to Bridlewood." Zipp flew around with joy, "Aw yes! It'll be my second time visiting Izzy's Hometown. Do you think it's more magical now?!"

Pipp replied as she was doing her Mascara, "Probably!"

Queen Haven wondered, "Pipp, You're awfully cheerful today and you don't really do your Mascara at 11:00 am in the morning. What's all this preparation for?"

Zipp quickly teased, "She's got a lil crush!"

Pipp covered her eyes, "Zipp, Stop it. It's embarrassing."

Queen Haven clapped her hooves, "Ooooh! You should invite this lucky guy to be your date to the Fall Festival. I remember when I was your age, I invited my crushes every single year to the festival..."

Pipp put out her hoof, "MA! Please!"

Zipp laughed, "You know. Mom's idea isn't half bad, Maybe you should go through with it."

Pipp squealed, "Eek! But do you think he'll accept my invitation?"

Zipp replied in a reassuring tone, "Uh, Is that even a question? You're like the prettiest Pegasus I know. I'm sure that he won't reject you!"

Pipp smiled, "Well, If you say so! I'll do it."

Pipp took a little flight session to Maretime Bay. Although her wings grew tired on the way. It didn't matter, especially if she would soon see Hitch.


Meanwhile, Sheriff Hitch was walking to Sunny's smoothie making business as his birdie and crab friends followed from behind.

"Hey! Hitch."

Hitch turned around and saw Sunny, "Hey, Sunny! Doing your daily deliveries I see." Sunny nodded her head, "You don't usually take this route unless..."

Hitch finished her sentence, "I wanted to buy a smoothie." Sunny's eyes lit up, "Well, You're in luck! I just finished my first delivery to Ms. Cloverleaf, which lets me squeeze a few minutes in to make you a smoothie." "It's alright Sunny, You don't have to. I can just wait till you come back."

"Nope! You're coming with me." Sunny pulled Hitch and glided on her roller-skates while pulling Hitch from behind, his creature friends tagged along too.

They arrived to the Smoothie shop and Sunny quickly went behind the cash register.

"So, What can I get for ya?"

Hitch looked at the menu and said, "Surprise me."

"Wait, For real?

Hitch nodded, "Yeah, I trust you."

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