✧┆October 15th

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The day had finally arrived...

October 15th...

Sunny had gotten up earlier than usual to prepare herself for the Annual Fall Festival at Zephyr Heights. "OhMyGoshOhMyGoshOhMyGosh, We're already in the middle of October! This feels so unreal." Sunny pranced around her room until she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"WAIT! Did Hitch come over this early to pick me up? GAH! I haven't even brushed my hair yet! No, Starscout! Stay calm, I could just be overthinking things." Sunny quickly made her way to the door.

"Good morning!"

Sunny opened up to a little blue Birdie with an envelope in his mouth. "Aw. Why, Hello there! Aren't you Hitch's little buddy?" The Blue Bird nodded and set down the envelope which had 'Open Me' marked on it.

Sunny teared the envelope open, Reading out loud each precious word written on the pink card.

"Hey Sunny, I'm afraid that I'll be a little late to Zephyr Heights. I have to run a quick errand for Ms. Cloverleaf, I promise to make it up to you afterwards, honestly. In the meantime, I asked Sprout to walk you to the Fall Festival, for safety measures. I'll see you there soon, Bye lovely."

Sprout mysteriously popped out of Sunny's behind, "EW! LOVELY?! Are you two a 'thing' now?"

Sunny jumped, "SPROUT? What kind of black magic did you just use for such an entrance?"

Sprout groaned, "Sunny, Do you think you could lower your voice a bit? Hitch already ruined my beauty rest and I don't need someone ruining my hearing."

Sunny laughed, "My apologies, Your Royal Highness. I'll need an extra 10 minutes to get ready, So You could either wait out here or-"

Sprout pushed Sunny's door open, "Say no more, I'm staying inside."


During the 10 minutes given, Sunny brushed her hair into a crown braid and placed an orange leaf barrette in her hair. She also chose to wear a beautiful skirt fading from light orange to red orange.

"Hey Sprout, Does this outfit suit me?"

Sprout opened one eye and was stunned, "You look better than usual." Sunny took it as a success and forced Sprout up the couch and thus they began their walk to Zephyr Heights!


When Sprout and Sunny arrived, they we're greeted by Zipp and Queen of Zephyr Heights.

Zipp gasped, "Whoah! I didn't expected you to actually like Sprout, Guess Pipp was right at the sleepover." Sprout looked at Sunny in a horrific look, "Huh?" Sunny didn't seem to get the message.

Sprout sighed and whispered in Sunny's ear, "They basically think we're each other's dates, BLEH." Sunny's eyes widened, "Oh Nono! You have the wrong idea, Sprout just accompanied me for safety measures." Zipp sighed in relief, "Oh good. Because I was having a hard time believing that any Pony would be into this ripe tomato."

Sprout angrily scrunched his face and In a rapid effort, Sunny tried to break the thickness of the air.

"So, uhm. Where's your Sister?"

"Pipp? She's probably crying in her room and hiding from the world so they don't see her mascara run down." Sunny frowned, "What made her so upset?"

Zipp hesitated, "You see..."

Pipp came over and crashed into Sprout, "I'M SO SORRY, SUNNY! I'm not used to flying while having my eyesight blurred by the water in my eyes." 


Sunny reassured Pipp, "Hey, it's okay. Don't feel ashamed, What's bothering you, Pipp?" 

Pipp bursted into tears, "H-Hitch. Declined...My...I-Invitation."

Sprout laughed, "Sorry to burst your bubble but, Hitch would never accept you in the first place. You're a stupid Pegasi!"

Sunny covered his mouth with her hoof, "Shush, You are irrelevant in this talk."

Zipp commented, "Not cool. I'm gonna take my sister for a walk...She looks a rough. Come on, Pipp. Let's head to the castle and fix up your makeup."


Pipp's eyes widened, "SUNNY? AND...HITCH?"

Sprout stomped away and Sunny was paralyzed, Her greatest fear came true. Sunny knew how much Pipp was into Hitch and Sprout just completely threw that piece of information without mere warning. 

Zipp gasped, "I'll...just...Leave you two alone, You two need to work out things on your own."

Pipp pointed at Sunny, "Sunny Starscout, Be honest with me." Her voice cracked, "Do you like Hitch as w-well?"


                   ♡ Thank you for reading Chapter 4 of: ♡

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What did you peeps think of this chapter? To be quite honest, The original draft was completely different from the published one. Anyhoo, I hope you lovelies have a restful weekend and Happy Halloween (if you celebrate it).

 Anyhoo, I hope you lovelies have a restful weekend and Happy Halloween (if you celebrate it)

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