✧┆A fit of rage

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This is a continuation of Chapter 4, Enjoy!

Sunny contemplated. Telling lies will only continue to dig her hooves into a deeper hole. 

"I- Yes."

Pipp took a step with her hoof forward, "Why did you LIE to my face at our sleepover?"

"I was worried," Sunny frowned. "Worried that our friendship would tear apart..." Pipp sighed and turned away from Sunny. 

Meanwhile, Hitch noticed Sunny from a distance and ran up to her...certainly wrong timing. "Hey Sunny Bunny, I must say, You look very beautiful in that crown-braid. Did you dress up to impress little old' me by any chance?" 

Pipp quickly widened her eyes and turned back at Hitch flirting with her pink-haired pony friend. 

"Wait! Pipp."

Filled with tears rolling down her pink rosy cheeks, a wave of emotions swarmed in her stomach. All ranging from: Confusion, heartbreak, and an icky sour taste in her mouth. Without thinking, she ran away, "YOU'RE SO TWO FACED, SUNNY. I REGRET EVER MEETING YOU!"

Without a care in the world, Pipp ran away from Sunny. Using shortcuts through alleyways she had learned from Zipp to get to her castle asap! Though...She instead bumped into a fellow guard. 

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you!"

He glanced at Pipp, "Princess, I've been trying to look for you everywhere and I believe you may have a little smudge underneath your eyes."

Pipp touched her cheek and noticed the smudged mascara from her mini tear session. Covering her face of embarrassment, She apologized for her appearance. 

The Guard reassured her, "Please Your Highness, Don't apologize. I should be the one to since  inconsiderately caught you at the wrong time."

Pipp wiped her mascara off and smiled, "Hey, I don't think I've seen you around much before. What's your name?"

The Guard took off her metal hat, revealing a dark blue mane and light blue pegasus. Bowing while holding his hat against his chest, he spoke in a friendly matter, "My name is River and I'm Thunder's cousin. I've only recently been given this position but its a honor to work alongside the Royale family of Zephyr Heights."

"For a newbie, You're pretty good at your job."

The Guard's heart fluttered, "Well uh, Thanks! We should probably start heading back to the castle. Your costume designer informed me that the dress you requested is ready and tailored."

Pipp sighed, "I don't want to see them again..."

"If you don't mind me asking, Who are you referring to?"

Pipp's eyebrows began to twitch, "Sunny and Hitch..."

The Guard took out his sword on the side of his pocket, "M'lady, Just say the word and I'll have those two silly folk executed in the name of my father's sword." 

Pipp puckered, "River, We don't live in the renaissance anymore. Plus, that sorta stuff doesn't match my brand." 

The Guard backed down, "I wouldn't know since it's hard to keep up with your content."

Pipp huffed in shock, "How dare you!"

River took off his helmet, "How can you blame me when you post like 30 Tik toks a day!" 

Pipp crossed her arms, "Hmph! I could just-" 

An idea sparked, she immediately changed her tone.

"My apologies, How could I be so forgetful in my manners." Pipp grabbed River's hand, "You know, I never noticed how buff you were. You must really go to the gym and work hard to obtain that physique."

River shook his head, "Well actually, I just include a bunch of chicken wings in my diet."

Pipp whispered, "Well, If you do as I say...How's about I hook you up with a life time supply of chicken wings."

River's eyes glistened, "The most butteriest, most greasiest, and crunchiest chicken wings?" He paused, asking for chicken wings only would be a waste. The only reason he even got this job (as a guard) was to pay his grandmother's medical bills. What if...

Pipp laughed, "I can do more than just chicken wings,  just pay your end of the stick and bam. It's yours."

River's face tightened, "I'm listening."


♡ Thank you for reading  Chapter 4 of: ♡

[ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝚡 𝙷𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑] ʚ♡ɞ

Hope you enjoyed this long overdue chapter and I do apologize for being offline for a year from wattpad! Lemme just say Happy 2023 even though it's currently April (that quickly aaa o-O) Hope you dearies are doing ay-okay :D

P.S: Have any of you seen MLP: Tell Your Tale? Without spoiling, I'm curious to here your thoughts on it.

S: Have any of you seen MLP: Tell Your Tale? Without spoiling, I'm curious to here your thoughts on it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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