(Here are the my hero academia feature kids pokemon)
Cherry midoriya pokemon:wooloo solosis pidove (male form) flygon totodile togepiNiall midoriya pokemon:bonsly stanter squirtle spinarak solrock smeargle
Liam midoriya flying type pokemon:taillow fletchling starly
Spearow skarmory rowletJoy midoriya fairy type pokemon:mimikyu mime jr klefki kirlia floette dedenne
Izuku midoriya jr pokemon normal type: blissey herdier girafarig furfeou furret eevee
Steven bakugou pokemon:sawsbuck deino yamask cloyster charmander x bunnelby
Alex bakugou pokemon:crobat corphish corsola comfrey cleffa beldum
Crystal bakugou pokemon:beedrill beautifly aipom absol jolteon espeon
Blake cooper pokemon:torchic arbok abomasnow azurill froakie hypno
Blaze cooper pokemon fire type:chimchar arcanine cyndaquil flareon fennekin riolu
August cooper pokemon:bisharp shuppet buneary vikavolt chatot phanpy
Aurora cooper pokemon grass type:chespin chikorita bellsprout bellossom bulbasaur bounsweet
(Future kids crushes pokemon)
Sophie pokemon dragon type:dratini dragonair dragonite gabite duraludon dreepyBrett pokemon:mudkip meowth poochyena minun plusle noctowl
Luz pokemon:mudbray wobbuffet gloom omanyte octillery oshawott
Billie pokemon:vulpix (fire type)vulpix (ice type) pachirisu golduck gengar cubone
Emily pokemon:flaaffy sandshrew poliwag drowzee ditto scyther
Hunter pokemon:houndoom sneasel rhyhorn turtwig Piplup umbreon
June bug type pokemon:scizor heracross venomoth buttfree pinsir dustox
Jackson pokemon:tyranitar lombre aron machop meditite electrike
Cole pokemon:torkal duskull castform pichu kecleon steelix
River pokemon:shinx purrloin cinderace boldore leavanny zoura
( what's your favorite thing about Pokemon the battles evolve Mega Evolution or the Z move anyting you like about Pokemon enjoy!)