I can't believe it I made it to 170 pages so far who have ever done their to their stories before if you have let me know in the comments anyway I'm going to do bendy and Boris quest for the ink machine future kids and that crushes Pokemon team Mika and Mark arrivals to Kelly's heart until she decided to pick which one of them she designed both of them are Pokemon doctor and nurse Casey is a bugs type leader nina are wearing a mask and kate is also in Disguise try to hide for her father for her love for Finn Trevor ben and Finn are Pokemon trainers Kelly and Holly are performing and contest I hope you enjoy it everyone
Trevor Pokemon team:bulbasaur pidgey ekans pikachu shiny meowth torchic (mega evolution after final evolution)
Casey Pokemon team:shiny caterpie beedrill(mega evolution) paras venonat spinarak ariados
Kelly Pokemon team: squirtle lapras shiny Gyarados (mega evolution) cleffa igglypuff natu
Holly Pokemon team:aipom shiny espeon gligar houndoom(mega evolution) phanpy (egg) elekid
Ben Pokemon team:shiny chimchar shinx(nickname sparky ) eevee(evolve into a umbreon)budew lopbunny(mega evolution) chatot
Chase Pokemon team: turtwig gibe(mega evolution after final evolution) oshawott lillipup execadrill trubbish
Finn Pokemon team:fennekin shiny zorua meloetta gengar (mega evolution) heracross glalie
Mika Pokemon team: abosl froakie latias(mega evolution) espurr(male when it evolve into meowstic ) inkay sylveon
Kate Pokemon team:grookey salamene (mega evolution) shiny noibat diancie rockruff (midday form) mimikyu
Nina Pokemon team:sobble altaria( mega evolution)Scorbunny dedenne vulpix (alolan form) shiny toucannon
Mark Pokemon team:rowlet latios(mega evolution) pancham espurr(female when it evolve into meowstic) tyrunt eevee evolve into glaceon)
(I hope you enjoy it)