Chapter One

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Xiao Wenxing walked blankly on the street and wandered repeatedly for a section of the road. Because of this abnormal behavior, passers-by would look at him curiously from time to time and glance at the black square device he was holding.
  The sun gradually rose, Xiao Wenxing, who had been wandering here for a long time, only felt dry and exhausted, but he still failed to return to the world he was familiar with as he hoped.
  The black square device in my hand-the cell phone that is about to run out of battery still shows no signal. Looking up, everything is so strange. The towering buildings on both sides of the road constitute a bustling neighborhood, and the blue sky is sometimes dazzling. Cool cars fly by, and air skateboards carrying people are not rare.
  In short, everything is sci-fi a bit unreal, making him at a loss.
  He didn't know that he was just going out for a good walk during the rare holiday, why the world suddenly changed?
  Xiao Wenxing stayed stubbornly on this section of the road, fantasizing that the space-time cracks or spatial distortions that caused him to appear here will reappear, but from day to night, pedestrians on the road and skateboards in the sky are scarce, and everyone seems to have returned to their homes. Rest, but in the silence, Xiao Wenxing still stayed here on the seats on the roadside for pedestrians to rest.
  He leaned back on the street light pole next to the seat, holding a cell phone that had been powered off and completely lost its function in his hand. Suddenly, he had a sense of understanding in his heart. Maybe he can't go back.
  A few days later.
  "Papa." A flying skateboard flew down from the air. The teenager on the skateboard swept across the trash can by the street in a big arc, and threw a drink bottle in the direction of the trash can, but he was obviously not very accurate. The drink bottle knocked. On the edge of the trash can, he bounced onto the tidy street.
  With a missed shot, the teenager on the skateboard did not stop, and went straight away along the arc of the skateboard, leaving only a dashing back.
  This unethical behavior caused the two girls on the side of the road to glared. Just as they wanted to criticize the behavior of the boy on the skateboard, a tall figure walked to the bottle that fell on the ground, and then the owner of the figure. , Stretched out a slender white hand, bent over and picked up the bottle.
  It seemed that someone was watching. The person who picked up the bottle looked up to them and showed a friendly smile. It was a very handsome face. The smile on the corners of the lips made people feel like a spring breeze, plus the other person. The behavior just now undoubtedly added a lot of points to him, and the faces of the two girls turned red unknowingly.
  The girls who were immersed in shyness did not find that the handsome and noble handsome guy in their eyes did not put the bottles they picked up in the trash can when they left.
  Holding the bottle in his hand, Xiao Wenxing walked out of the sight of the girls. As soon as he left the sight of the girls, the smile on his face collapsed. He dragged a tired pace to a secluded flowerbed.
  Kneeling down and rummaging through the road, he quickly found a few empty bottles that he had hidden from the thick grass. Six, seven, eight, enough, even two more than usual.
  Because of the good results, Xiao Wenxing's face showed a smile again. He touched the grass again and found out a bunch of plastic bags, then unfolded the plastic bags and filled all the bottles in.

  Xiao Wenxing got up and took all the trophies and walked to a box-shaped machine.
  After pressing twice on the machine, he put these bottles into the delivery port one by one, and the sound of successful scanning came. These bottles fell into the box with a splash. At the same time, the coin outlet was spit out. Took two coins.
  Because of the many bottles, Xiao Wenxing put them twice before delivering all the bottles, and finally got four coins in total.
  The hand holding the coin cherished the four coins tightly in the palm of his hand. Today's food is gone!
  After getting the money, Xiao Wenxing did not rush to buy food, but first walked to a nearby public toilet, washed his hands carefully at the sink, washed his face again, and took care of himself in the mirror. one time. It has to be said that after a few days of scavenging waste, Xiao Wenxing can still maintain the same cleanliness as a normal person, and his daily careful maintenance is indispensable.
  After taking care of himself, Xiao Wenxing finally came to a convenience store with the money. This convenience store was opened on the side of the street where Xiao Wenxing wandered daily to facilitate the small needs of passers-by anytime and anywhere.
  As soon as I walked in, it was a pantry with delicate finished cakes. The cream seemed to be exuding alluring sweetness across the cabinet. In the small oven next to it, there were roasted sausages, warmly roasted. Under the lamp, the grilled sausage exploded on the grilled surface, the oil sizzled, and the scent continued to pour into Xiao Wenxing's nose.
  Xiao Wenxing swallowed with difficulty, then walked straight in without squinting, until he reached the bottom row in a corner of the convenience store, and found what he needed, a heavy bag of impending bread.
  After getting this bag of bread enough to eat for one day, Xiao Wenxing walked to the bottled water sales area. It stands to reason that he should just take the cheapest bottle of purified water and leave, but he ate it for a few days. Dry bread and water, even if he is an elite social animal, he has endured to the extreme.
  Not to mention that I picked up two more bottles today, and I have a little more money. It seems that there are some other options.
  Xiao Wenxing's gaze couldn't help but swept to the beverage area next to the pure water, excluded high-priced beverages from the beverage area, and finally locked on a large, inexpensive orange-red beverage on the shelf.
  He knew this drink bottle. It appeared very frequently in the drink bottles he picked up. There were one or two in the drink bottles picked up every day. Judging from this frequency and the amount of stock on the shelf, the taste of this drink should be Yes, it's sold well.
  But... Xiao Wenxing shifted his sight to its price. This drink costs two coins a bottle. If you buy pure water, you only need one coin, and you can save one coin yourself.
  Just when Xiao Wenxing stood here and fell into a battle between heaven and man, two more customers came in front of the beverage shelf of the convenience store. They looked at Xiao Wenxing who was standing still here strangely, and then took a random bottle of Xiao Wenxing. Orange-red drinks, people leave at the front desk.
  A few days ago, Xiao Wenxing, who was not bad for money, was stimulated by the two people's face-to-face "show off wealth" behavior, and finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth, took a bottle of orange-red drink on the shelf, and went to the front desk to check out.
  The convenience store is on a busy street, and the business is very good. After the people who come in choose what they need, they walk to the front desk and raise their wrists, and put a watch-like thing on the wrist to the front desk instrument. He went straight out, but Xiao Wenxing obviously had no such means of payment.
  So he could only
  say at the counter: "Check out." The busy clerk at the pantry raised his head when he heard the words, and then walked over here. Obviously, he knew this strange customer, after all, for several days every day. They all patronize and insist on paying with coins, but this one is the only one.
  After seeing the other party’s merchandise, the clerk smiled and reported the amount, and then saw the other party stretch out his hand and just put four coins on the table.
  "Sir, the amount is just right." The clerk smiled and accepted the money, and couldn't help but complain. Really, I have never seen such a strange person, who looks pretty good, but today I bought the cheapest impending bread. , I don’t know if I eat it myself? If so, it's too miserable, right? You won't have to eat this every day if you receive the subsistence allowance.
  And he noticed that this customer not only didn’t wear a terminal on his wrist, but the pheromone on his body was also tightly shielded. It was really strange and weird. After such a miserable life, it could only be Beta, that pheromone. Is there something to cover, and doesn’t he find it inconvenient to go out without a terminal?
  With the clerk's eyes, Xiao Wenxing calmly walked out of the store. After going out, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Today, there should be no flaws in it, right?
  After walking on the street for a while, Xiao Wenxing decided not to think about it. He walked around the street this morning, searching for empty bottles. Now he is also very thirsty. Xiao Wenxing immediately took out the orange-red drink he bought.
  After a lot of hard work, Xiao Wenxing twisted the palm of his hand red, and the back of his hand burst into blue veins. He finally unscrewed the bottle of drink. He sighed and complained in his heart that the bottle in this world did not know what material it was made of. Yes, it's so hard to screw every time, it's just tossing to death.
  While complaining, Xiao Wenxing casually placed the mouth of the bottle on his mouth and took a big sip. Then the next moment, Xiao Wenxing's eyes widened suddenly. This refreshing taste, this wonderful taste, this dense bubble, woooo , Delicious! A hundred times better than Moule and Mobi!
  Xiao Wenxing couldn't help taking a few big mouthfuls, until the drink in the bottle was halfway down, and then stopped restrained.
  Xiao Wenxing took the remaining half a bottle of drinks and the dry food for the day, slowly came to a corner of the street, in front of a deserted, book-scented store, walked in through the open tall glass door.
  The store is as deserted as the exterior, and there is no one inside, not even a clerk. Inside, there are rows of bookshelves that are beautifully shaped along the wall, filled with books, and there is a corner of the store for people to rest. There are sofas and rows of tables and chairs. Yes, this is a shop similar to a small library. It is a public facility set up by the government to cultivate people's love for book reading.
  But the effect can be seen from the fact that there is no one in this door. However, this public facility is obviously cheaper than Xiao Wenxing. Except for the first two nights, Xiao Wenxing experienced sleeping on the street. After discovering this good place later, Xiao Wenxing settled down here. It is open 24 hours anyway.
  And this place not only provided Xiao Wenxing with shelter from the wind and rain, but more importantly, the various books in it gave Xiao Wenxing a channel to understand this strange world.
  After sitting in the lounge area and ate half a bag of bread, and drank a few cherished drinks, Xiao Wenxing clapped his hands and continued his day of study.
  As an elite social animal who graduated from a top school and entered the investment bank as soon as he graduated, he quickly integrates a large amount of information and obtains what he really needs is a necessary skill. A few days ago, he has developed the history of the world and the level of science and technology. I have probably looked at the social system and biographies, but there are still a lot of things that I don’t understand. For example, in a major historical event, several Omegas appeared on the front lines at a critical juncture. Pheromone triggered riots. What is Omega? What is pheromone?
  There is also a biography, which is about the family history of a founder of the world's top 100 companies. The content is similar to the successful biographies he has seen in his own world, but the only thing he doesn’t understand is that he had a history of the founder at the beginning. In the person's introduction, there was a line saying, "Mo Ye is a typical Alpha, excellent in elementary school, calm and keen."
  What is a typical Alpha? What is Alpha?
  After that biography, such terms appeared frequently in books about social systems. Alpha's strict handling of Omega's crimes, discrimination against Beta in the workplace and violation of labor laws, etc., made Xiao Wenxing faintly feel this. A few terms are very important, and he must figure it out.
  And today, it is time for him to concentrate on tackling key problems and thoroughly find the answer.
  Finally, Xiao Wenxing found the answer in a physiology science book after unremitting search in the sea of ​​books.
  However, after reading all the explanations of these terms in the book, Xiao Wenxing's mouth opened wider and wider, and finally he was completely sluggish there.
  After walking into this world for a few days, he always thought that he had just come to a parallel world with a higher level of technology, or a future world. After all, except for the more advanced technology, the language and writing of this world are the same. Men and women look like his original world. There is no difference, but you tell him now that there are six genders in this world? !
  And the most important gender is not based on men and women, but based on ABO?
  After being shocked for a long time, and thinking about life for a long time, Xiao Wenxing finally accepted his fate and picked up the book again and looked at everything about the gender of ABO again.
  After all, to this world, he is the intruder. Since he can't change it, he can only accept it.
  Moreover, the reason why Xiao Wenxing has been so cautious and read desperately these days is because he wants to learn more about the world and does not want to be recognized as an outsider because of any abnormality. Well now, he was only worried that he would be arrested if he was a black household, but now he has to be more careful that he has a fundamentally different physique from the people in this world, and will he be arrested for anatomy if he is discovered.
  Prompted by a strong sense of crisis, Xiao Wenxing read this physiology book very seriously, and must remember all the differences between ABO gender and him.
  ABO gender, in simple terms, is that people in this world are divided into three genders: Alpha, Beta, and Omega, and then the three genders are divided into men and women, and there are six genders in total.
  Among them, Beta gender has the largest number, and there is nothing to say about Beta gender. There are a large number of pheromones, and all aspects of innate ability are relatively moderate. Generally speaking, they are ordinary people who are the mainstay of society, but there is no absolute, such a large base. Inside, occasionally there will be some personal achievements comparable to the excellent Alpha.
  Alpha and Omega are the genders that Xiao Wenxing consciously needs to pay attention to, because these two genders are simply two extremes, and at the same time they are the biggest gap with him, a poor man on Earth.
  Alpha is inherently excellent and talented. Whether it is intelligence or physical strength, it is an existence that wins at the starting line at birth. Most of its pheromones are domineering and aggressive, and the personality is the same. It is sharp and can not tolerate disobedience.
  It is precisely because of this overbearing and inconsistency that most Alphas are potential guns. Although there are some who are good at controlling their own Alphas, they can try not to provoke them. Betas in this world rarely take the initiative. Provoke Alpha, because in the event of a conflict, whether it is mental or physical, Beta is mostly pressed on the ground and rubbed, and Alpha is still very good for many lifetimes, so why bother.
  Omega, a population with a sparser population than Alpha, if one Alpha out of ten Betas, then only one Omega out of five or six Alphas.
  Omega is the other extreme of Alpha. Pheromone is sweet and fascinating. Most of them are long, slender and beautiful. Their physique is the weakest among ABOs. However, Omega has a strong ability to breed, and there is a high probability that Omega and Alpha can be bred because of the beauty of Omega. Weak and scarce, the society has a caring attitude towards Omega. It is the consensus of society to provide as much help and care as possible when encountering Omega.
  Xiao Wenxing looked at the key points in the book, and meditated carefully in his heart. When he met Alpha, he avoided, and when he met Omega, he wanted to help and care. Well, I remembered!

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