Chapter Three

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         According to the original plan, Xiao Wenxing found the perfume shop in Area C on the 11th floor. As soon as he walked into the shop, the shopping guide's eyes brightened and he received a warm reception.
  After all, customers who deliberately cover up their information are full of sincerity at first glance, and they definitely want to buy things.
  In fact, Xiao Wenxing is 100% able to buy things, but under the enthusiastic introduction of the shopping guide, Xiao Wenxing still declined the pheromone perfumes with a price of one thousand to several thousand bottles, instead staring at the bottom row of the cabinet. , Selection of perfumes with a price of less than five hundred stars.
  Seeing Xiao Wenxing's selection of objects, the original enthusiastic shopping guide was a little disappointed, but the smile on his face did not disappear, and he continued to accompany him. After all, although the price of this order is not high, the deal is not bad.
  Pheromone perfume is a combination of perfume and pheromone. It has both the smell of perfume and the smell of pheromone. Xiao Wenxing cannot smell the pheromone, so only the smell of perfume can be picked, but fortunately the fragrance of pheromone perfume Generally speaking, it is the same as the pheromone taste, even if it is not exactly the same, it will be very similar, so you can't make mistakes in this way.
  Of course, pheromone perfumes also have pheromone flavors, but no perfume flavors. However, after consideration, Xiao Wenxing gave up directly because of the high price, and he does not know how to use it. It is more important. The thing is, it makes him unable to remember whether he sprayed or not. The smell that he can't control at all is simply causing himself trouble.
  After careful selection, Xiao Wenxing finally chose a crystal clear light green small bottle, the bottle is a slightly curved green leaf shape, very delicate, the fragrance of this bottle is a very light tea fragrance, after smelling many flavors, Xiao Wenxing still feels that this is a bit more acceptable. Compared to other sweet floral or fruity fragrances, it tastes slightly lighter.
  "I need this bottle." Xiao Wenxing said.
  Upon hearing this, the shopping guide immediately took a new unopened bottle and packaged it for Xiao Wenxing, and then checked out at the front desk.
  "Sir, a total of 405 stars." The shopping guide's voice was crisp and sweet, and his smile was sweet.
  Xiao Wenxing heard the sound of blood dripping from his heart, endured the pain, took out the subsistence allowance card, and swiped 405 star coins.
  Xiao Wenxing, who completed his mission on this trip, walked out of the perfume shop, and no longer had the thought to go shopping anymore. After all, he only had a hundred stars left on him. What is there to shop around? If you see something fun and delicious, As a result, there is no money to buy, isn't that torturing myself.
  Xiao Wenxing, who had made up his mind, was ready to go back immediately, but the mall was too big. After searching for a long time, Xiao Wenxing didn't see where the elevator was. He only found a safe exit, that is, the stairs.
  Xiao Wenxing didn’t get too entangled. He walked straight over. The stairs were the stairs. Although it was on the eleventh floor, but thinking that he found the perfume shop on this floor, he walked for nearly ten minutes and went straight to the first floor. There is less to walk back to find the elevator.
  Xiao Wenxing went downstairs carelessly, thinking that he had become an abject poverty again, and couldn't help sighing, but fortunately, pheromone perfume is not bought every month. The bottle he bought today is only 30ml. Although the portion is small, I only need to use a bit every time I go out, which should be enough for a few months.
  In this way, there will be no such expenses next month, and there will be no need to buy clothes next month, and the economic situation will be better, or he can figure out how to make more extra money?
  The sound of Xiao Wenxing's footsteps in the quiet stairway is inaudible. Xiao Wenxing walks like this, almost silent. Family members used to laugh and say that he walks like a cat.
  Xiao Wenxing kept walking downstairs with almost no sound. Suddenly, he faintly heard voices under the corridor, and he didn't care. After all, this was the staircase of the shopping mall, and anyone could walk.
  But when Xiao Wenxing went down another staircase, he suddenly noticed that the voice below had stopped abruptly. At the same time, a pair of dark eyes met his line of sight.
  Tall and slender figure, black casual suit, jet black soft and shiny hair, handsome nose, perfect lip shape, coupled with the cold and cold, strong aura of two meters, this is not the previous shopping mall Is the Alpha at the door who was hugged by the bodyguard? !
  How come you met here? !
  Xiao Wenxing opened his eyes wide in surprise and was so surprised that he stared at the opponent and completely forgot to look away.
  Mo Yunxi did not expect to meet other people on this inaccessible stairway. When he found that someone was there, his first reaction was to cut off the communication with Uncle Wei, and then the next moment, he looked at the other person staring straight at him. I realized the trouble only when I saw my sight.
  Before he tried to get rid of the bodyguards in order to talk to Uncle Wei, and found this secluded place specially, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that this place was too secluded. In this stairway like an independent space, this He was only an Omega, and a person staring straight at him.
  Mo Yunxi's eyes became colder, hoping that this guy would not do anything extra, but he also knew in his heart that it was impossible. No one could hold back seeing an Omega, especially an Omega alone. Strike up a conversation.
  Although those bodyguards usually follow the annoyance and eat inside and out, they are still useful, at least they can stop those who try to get entangled, but now, there is only one person here.
  When I felt the chill radiating from the lower Alpha body and the opponent's eyebrows moved slightly, it seemed that there was a tendency to gather in the middle, Xiao Wenxing's heart jumped, and the sense of crisis rose up. No way, although I know that Alpha has a bad temper and a sense of territory. Strong, but you won't get angry like that, he didn't do anything, do you think he got in the way? !
  Suddenly Xiao Wenxing realized something with hindsight, and immediately retracted his gaze. When it was over, he must have been staring at the opponent for too long and was regarded as a provocation.
  Really, I clearly remember Alpha's character most clearly, and remind myself the most. How come I forget all of them when I meet a real person! He won't get himself in trouble, right!
  A group of Xiao Wenxing, who was panicked, took a deep breath and forced his composure. He told himself that it was okay. Although Alpha had a bad temper, it was not neurotic and would not hit him for no reason. Although he was a little offended just now, But it wasn't too much, and now it's not too late to make up for it!
  So Xiao Wenxing, who had made up his mind, raised his head and showed a cautious smile at the other party. After that, his body movement was not large, but he moved a few steps to the right quickly enough until he hit the wall.
  Then Xiao Wenxing maintained this posture against the wall, the farthest away from the other party, and slightly twisted, step by step, carefully moving down.
  Xiao Wenxing didn't raise his head the whole time, lowered his head and walked down with trepidation, so that he didn't notice at all. The other party's cold vision that was originally staring at him turned into a stupefied and weird look.
  From the corner of Xiao Wenxing’s eyes, who wanted to stray wholeheartedly, he saw that he was getting closer and closer to the other party. The whole heart had already reached the apex. Fortunately, until he passed the point parallel to the other party, even after passing by, the other party was still there. attack.
  After safely walking through the most dangerous distance, Xiao Wenxing calmly walked through the remaining steps until he turned a corner and reached a new step with no one, and finally he was relieved and felt that he was alive again. . Xiao Wenxing didn't delay any more, and quickly accelerated the speed of going downstairs, and went down in no time.
  Mo Yunxi looked at the direction in which the figure disappeared, and did not recover for a long time, and even wondered if he was under too much pressure recently, so that he had hallucinations.
  How can anyone in this world see an Omega alone, as if they have seen some scourge, and avoid it until they can walk against the wall? !
  There was a vibration from the terminal. Mo Yunxi glanced down at the information, and quickly called it, "Hey, Uncle Wei."
  "Yunxi, what happened just now?"
  "It's okay." Mo Yunxi paused. , It seemed that the figure that was cautiously walking away from the wall appeared again before his eyes. He shook his head, forcibly tossed off the scene, and said: "Let's go on to say..."

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