Chapter Four

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Xiao Wenxing didn't know what Mo Yunxi was thinking. After leaving the mall, he still praised his wit in his heart. Fortunately, he responded properly, actively showed weakness, and let the way open, which fully demonstrated that he was just an unknown person and to the other side. Although it's a bit of a counselor's respect, who makes him an outsider? In short, low-key and safety are the first purpose.
  Xiao Wenxing, who was in a good mood, spent another 5 stars to take the world's public transportation back to his low-income resettlement house.
  In the next few days, Xiao Wenxing spent the most comfortable days since coming to this world. He has no worries about food and drink, has a stable residence, can take a shower every day, and can connect to the world's network.
  Xiao Wenxing used the world's network to explore the world more efficiently, and learned a lot of knowledge and common sense of the world. Finally, a few days later, Xiao Wenxing began to try to find a part-time job for himself on the Internet.
  Speaking of part-time jobs, we must talk about the world's social security system.
  Everyone in this world enjoys super-high social security. Lowest social security is the worst type of social security. What is really good is employee security.
  Although the employee security does not directly pay out money like the subsistence allowance, the medical pension, and even many of the daily benefits, far exceed the two thousand stars in the month of the subsistence allowance.
  In addition, the wages in this world are very high. Once and again, for an ordinary job, the monthly income is more than ten times that of the subsistence allowance. Therefore, although the world does not work or starves to death, everyone’s enthusiasm for work is still very high. of.
  Precisely because of this, the procedures for receiving subsistence allowances in this world are so simple.
  In short, this is a society envied by the earth's community and animals.
  As an elite social animal on the planet, Xiao Wenxing is very eager for those formal jobs to earn more than ten times the income of subsistence allowances, but in the end he wisely put away his thoughts, because the graduation required to find a job proves that he does not have anything, and he still has it for the time being. I don't want to give up this guaranteed housing, so I still have to get the subsistence allowance.
  So the jobs Xiao Wenxing can finally find are only those part-time jobs that are not guaranteed to employees at all, and can no longer be scattered.
  After many considerations, Xiao Wenxing took a fancy to the work of an artificial voice service.
  Well, in layman's terms, it means calling to wake up, calling to say good night, and calling to say holiday blessings.
  A common job in modern society to make up for people's emptiness and loneliness.
  The reason why Xiao Wenxing chose this job is because there is no technical threshold for this job. The only threshold is to have a good voice, and he thinks his voice is still very good, especially when he speaks in a low voice, it is a mass destruction. Sexual weapons. Whenever negotiations were deadlocked, he would sometimes lower his voice to speak according to the situation, which often had miraculous effects.
  After all, for the smooth progress of the work, it's okay to occasionally sacrifice a little hue in the sound.
  Um, but sometimes this skill will have bugs. One time when he participated in a company merger and acquisition case, he released this skill. However, after the negotiation, the young lady who was mainly exported by him did not give him the phone, but kept sitting in the main seat. Shang was silent, but the little sister's immediate boss came to him and asked him whether to make an appointment?
  At that time, he was silly. Although the male boss was handsome and golden, had a thief, and was in a high position, he was not interested in men.
  Fortunately, the male boss is a decent man. After he tremblingly refused, the male boss did not entangle too much. After the merger and acquisition of the company, they never met again.
  However, occasionally dreaming back at midnight, dreaming of the regretful look in the male boss's eyes after hearing his refusal, he would have scalp tingling. After that, he became more cautious when releasing this skill, and it is best to release it when there are no male creatures present. Precisely because of this, the number of appearances of his skill is getting fewer and fewer.
  After the memory was over, Xiao Wenxing smiled when he looked at the well-known online store that he was fancying, but this simple and non-technical job didn’t use that kind of weapons of mass destruction, so Xiao Wenxing was just simple. He recorded a voice of his normal speaking and sent it along with his job application.
  After waiting for a while, Xiao Wenxing did not expect it. After listening to Xiao Wenxing's voice, he was quickly hired.
  But what surprised him was that after being hired, the person in charge of the store who contacted him was very enthusiastic to promote his voice boyfriend business, saying that those who were simply calling early and sending holiday blessings were too low-paying and they were tired of earning money. The hourly salary of a voice boyfriend is many times that of that, and Xiao Wenxing’s voice is so good that he can directly give him the level of "Golden Boyfriend" in the store, and he believes that Xiao Wenxing can quickly become a member of the list as long as he takes a period of time. "Zhendian boyfriend", for fear that Xiao Wenxing would not agree, the other party directly sent over the hourly salary price list of the gold medal boyfriend and the boyfriend in the town shop.
  Xiao Wenxing looked at the price list for a few seconds, then withdrew his gaze with difficulty, and then rejected the other party. The other party saw him so resolute, so unmoved, so he could only give up, and began to explain to him some orders and precautions.
  However, Xiao Wenxing couldn't help but look at the price list sent by the other party until he finished the communication with the person opposite. He has to say that the hourly salary is really high. Among them, the hourly salary of the "town shop boyfriend" is three. Counting, and it starts with a three-character word. After five or six hours of the list, it can be worth a month of subsistence allowance. It is no exaggeration to say that this income is not worse than a formal job with employee insurance, and it can even be Higher.
  Although the hourly salary of the "golden boyfriend" is slightly worse, it also has more than 100 stars per hour. Compared with his simple order to send early holiday blessings, there is also a several times the income gap.
  However, Xiao Wenxing breathed a sigh of relief and cut off the road, because the voice boyfriend seems to be only voice chat, but the freedom of the topic is much, even if there are some fixed words, but the two chatted all over the world. It’s really too easy to expose some things. If we don’t talk about anything else, they can’t even pick up some well-known stalks from people in this world. Sometimes they’re chatting, and the other party already thinks he’s weird everywhere, but he I don't even know where I have revealed my stuff. What's more terrifying is that the other party bought it at that time, so I can't help but chat with each other, and I can't stop talking.
  All things considered, Xiao Wenxing thinks that although the hourly salary is low, the simple and direct content of early morning and holiday blessings is more suitable for him.
  Everything is safe.
  In this way, Xiao Wenxing officially took the post.
  Xiao Wenxing made enough preparations before looking for a job. The store he was looking for was formal and well-known. He started to accept orders from the next day. He was busy for two or three hours a day and earned dozens of hundred stars. Xiao Wenxing counted. If you click this Progress, he will be able to buy a terminal to wear on his wrist next month, so he is more satisfied with this work, and think about the "mobile phone" in this world, he still has some expectations.
  With the help of part-time extra money, Xiao Wenxing’s life is on the right track. Because the job Xiao Wenxing is looking for is a scattered part-time job, the salary is paid weekly. After a week later, Xiao Wenxing received a salary of 706 stars, and decided to reward him that night. Take it for yourself, stop eating those instant noodles, he wants to eat something else.
  However, Xiao Wenxing didn't think about what to eat for a while, and finally decided to go out for a stroll. Before going out, Xiao Wenxing certainly did not forget to spray the pheromone perfume he bought on her body a few times.
  Smelling the elegant and pleasant tea fragrance on his body, Xiao Wenxing was in a good mood. Since he came to this world, he really hasn't had the opportunity to go out with plenty of preparations and pockets like today.
  When he went out, it was already dark, but Xiao Wenxing didn't persuade him at all. After all, he had been sleeping on the street for two days as soon as he arrived in this world. He knew that the world was very safe and there was no need to worry about going out at night.
  He walked out slowly, thinking about what to eat while he was walking, and finally when he reached a fairly prosperous neighborhood, he was attracted by a convenience store on the side of the road, and then walked in uncontrollably.
  Finally, the supper Xiao Wenxing ate this evening was a bowl of machine-made noodles, two sausages, and a small cream cake originally placed in a glass cabinet.
  The place where Xiao Wenxing lives is quite a distance from the street he used to walk into this world. Therefore, the convenience store he went out to find could not be the shop where he bought the bread. But when he was eating sausages and cakes, Xiao Wenxing still I feel that my hardship of looking at the saliva in the grilling cabinet has been compensated.
  Well, the grilled sausage with a three-star coin is really delicious, and the little cream cakes with a seven-star coin are also delicious.
  The only thing that disappointed Xiao Wenxing was that the bowl of noodles made on-site by the machine was very hot, but Xiao Wenxing always felt that the taste was similar to the instant noodles he usually ate. It was a bit of a loss. Xiao Wenxing thought while eating. So, I won’t buy this noodles again next time.
  Although complaining in his heart, Xiao Wenxing honestly cleaned up the bowl of noodles. After all, he is now poor and has no right to waste.
  After eating the noodles, Xiao Wenxing went shopping in the convenience store again, bought some daily necessities, and walked back with shopping bags.
  At the same time, a low-key but valuable speeding car passed in the night sky. At this time, in the airtight speeding car, a cold-tempered man was clenching his teeth, his face was pale, his breathing was rapid, and his black hair was soft and shiny. A bit of moisture was added from the cold sweat.
  Even more shocking is that the pheromone in the speed car is in an extremely unstable state, as if it is about to explode at any time.
  The slender, thick, trembling eyelashes opened like butterfly wings, revealing a pair of dark and calm eyes. The owner of the eyes took out an injection that he carried with him, and did not hesitate to pierce his neck until the whole red All the injections were injected, and the back of his hand and arms had burst into blue veins. Obviously, this injection was not a mild thing.
  However, after the injection, although the physical pain was worse, the man's expression relaxed a little, and he began to think about what to do next.
  First of all, you can’t go to Uncle Wei’s place. Uncle Wei’s place has been spotted recently. If he is in the past, especially if this kind of physical problem is in the past, the chances of being discovered secrets are too great, and he cannot return to the main house, or he In the other residences, Mo Nian the old fox clearly checked the places where he was staying, and those places were not safe either.
  Mo Yunxi carefully packed the used empty injections next to his body, and took a look at the somewhat unfamiliar neighborhood below, and he was already thinking about it. He turned on the air circulation system in the flying car, letting the little pheromone that just overflowed in the air in midair, and then the flying car descended from midair until it landed on a dimly unmanned road.
  After setting up the autopilot route, he stretched out his hand to open the car door with difficulty, and walked unsteadily. He reached out and closed the door. His simple action made his face pale again, and his lips were so pale that there was no trace of blood. .
  Watching the speeding car fly to one of his residences according to the driving route set by him, Mo Yunxi was relieved and moved hard. Now, he is looking for a safe place...
  but it is clear that Mo Yunxi made a wrong estimate. His physical condition suddenly broke out from the severe pain he had been enduring, and he could only stand a few steps before he fell directly to the ground.
  About a few minutes later, Xiao Wenxing, who was full and drunk, walked into this path with shopping bags. This was the only way he would go home. Although it was a bit dim, he knew that it would be brighter after walking through this section. Then he can't go far, and he will get home.
  He has a leisurely pace and is in a great mood. Knowing that there are no people on this section of the road, he did not pay much attention to the road conditions until he was tripped in the middle of this section of the road.
  "What is it?" Xiao Wenxing, who almost fell to the ground, almost managed to control his figure, and the shopping bag in his hand almost went round in the air before flying out.
  Xiao Wenxing, who turned his head angrily to look for the culprit, stayed there the next moment. The black mass on the ground looked like a person. It seemed that he stumbled on his leg just now.
  On the dimly lit road, there is a person who does not know whether to live or die. It is a terrible thing no matter what you think, especially since there are no such creatures as tramps in this world.
  However, out of trust in the world’s public order and his apology that he just accidentally kicked the opponent, although he felt a little hairy, Xiao Wenxing approached the opponent cautiously, "Hey, are you okay? Why are you lying here? Is the hospital? Need an ambulance?”
  Mo Yunxi passed out in pain just now, but Xiao Wenxing tripped his calf a while ago. At this time, there was another voice calling by his side, and he was vaguely regaining consciousness, and he heard that he was going to send him off. When I went to the hospital, my breathing suddenly became a little bit short, and struggling: "Don't go to the hospital, I'm fine..."
  When Xiao Wenxing heard the weak response from the other party, he was greatly relieved. Fortunately, he is still alive, not the most horrible kind, but he won't go to the hospital? Seeing him lying on the ground, Xiao Wenxing stepped back and said: "What about your family, do you have contact information? I will contact them to pick you up....Hello? Are you answering?"
  Xiao Wenxing waited patiently for a while. Then he found that something was wrong, he took a closer look, and found desperately that this person was dizzy again!
  Now how to do? The other party didn't go to the hospital and didn't contact his family, so would he just let the other party lie on the ground? Although it is not a particularly cold season, lying on the cold ground at night is also unpleasant. There may be nothing wrong with it. If you lie down for one night, something really happened.
  Xiao Wenxing waited tangledly for a while. In fact, he still tends to call an ambulance or contact the other party’s family, but the former has no money, no terminal, and he doesn’t know the emergency number of the world, and the latter is the terminal worn by the other party. He should be able to contact his family, but Xiao Wenxing has not touched the terminal at all, and can't operate it at all. According to the information he checked on the Internet, the unlocking of the terminal in this world is quite high-tech. It may be straightforward if it is not operated by himself. Call the police.
  Of course, Xiao Wenxing, who puts a low profile as the first priority, will not do such high-risk operations.
  In the end, Xiao Wenxing struggled with him for a while, seeing the second person on this road for a long time, and finally sighed, acknowledging that he stepped forward and put one of the other's arms on his shoulders, and then tried to help the other person up. .
  Xiao Wenxing gasped as soon as he stood up, hissing, really a bit heavy.
  But there is no way, who let himself see him unluckily, Xiao Wenxing has always believed in being kind to others, and his parents are also very caring people. Since coming to this world, he has not suffered much, no matter it is. The social system of this world, and the people of this world, have given him a lot of kindness, so when he encounters this person who is in a coma, he feels that he also has a responsibility.
  If he left as he didn't see it, he felt that he would not be able to fall asleep tonight. What's more, he would feel guilty for a long, long time because he ignored him and caused serious consequences to the other party.
  So although it's a little troublesome and a little tired, let's carry him home tonight, so that he doesn't have to lie on the ground all night.
  As for whether this person fainted on the side of the road, whether he had a serious illness in his body, Xiao Wenxing felt unlikely. If the other party was able to wake up before and said that he could not go to the hospital, the problem should not be very serious. After all, if he really had any serious illness, such as heart disease, he would not be able to tell if he could not go to the hospital after waking up.
  Thinking about it better, maybe this person is just a little unwell, or drunk on the side of the road.
  In this way, Xiao Wenxing gritted his teeth, clasped his shopping bag with one hand, and clasped the hand on his shoulders tightly, and held the person's waist with the other hand, working hard to hold this taller than himself. The adult man walked home.
  When Xiao Wenxing finally returned home, he was already sweating, panting, and he was in a panic.
  He didn't delay too much, took the person back to the bedroom in one breath and put it on his bed. At this time, Xiao Wenxing had time to turn on the light, and finally he could see the man's appearance clearly.
  At the next moment, the air solidified, and Xiao Wenxing was sluggish beside the bed.
  He even began to solemnly think about a serious question, that is, is it too late to carry the person in bed back the same way now?
  Xiao Wenxing's attitude became so fast, not for other reasons, just because of the man on the bed, that strangely handsome face under the dim light, wasn't it the Alpha he encountered in the mall that day?
  He actually carried home an Alpha who wanted to make a detour? ! How fat is this gall?
  Xiao Wenxing took a breath and rubbed his forehead with a headache.
  After the initial shock, Xiao Wenxing was finally able to see other details on the overly impactful face, ignoring the outstanding facial features, in fact, the man lying on the bed was very pale, and his forehead was even more pale. There are some fine beads of sweat, and even the hair has some traces of sweat. The opponent's brows are slightly wrinkled, and it seems that they are not very comfortable in a coma, and they are a little unstable.
  Xiao Wenxing approached the opponent, stretched one hand on the opponent's forehead, and put the other hand on his forehead. After feeling it carefully, it seemed to have a fever, but it was not too serious.
  Xiao Wenxing put the blanket on the other party, and some resigned to get up to go to the bathroom to get him a towel to cool down.
  It is impossible to send it back. It was a joke before. After all, he was all human, and he was not so inhuman, because it was Alpha and he would die. And Alpha may not be that scary, just like on the stairway that day, the other party didn't do anything to him, didn't it? Not to mention that I saved him today. Alpha is irritable, it is impossible to avenge him.
  Moreover, feeling his soft and almost prostration hands and feet, Xiao Wenxing smiled bitterly. He just wanted to send him back, but he didn't have the ability. If he carried the person back like this, he was not trying to avoid trouble, but choosing to use it to death. The way he committed suicide.
  After finishing the towel, Xiao Wenxing took some ice cubes from the refrigerator, wrapped it up, walked into the bedroom, and went to the bed to apply ice to the man. When Xiao Wenxing wandered around the man’s forehead and temples with a towel wrapped in ice in his hand, his attention was inevitably concentrated on the superior features of the man
  . He was so handsome, better-looking than all the male stars he knew. .
  In other words, it is not just handsome, it is the kind of beauty that takes both men and women, as if the features of jade are impeccable. The closed eyes cover up the dark eyes that are too terrifying when they are opened, and also lower it. This kind of coldness and a sense of distance, only crow-like slender eyelashes are left, and a thick shadow is reflected. Under the warm light of the bedroom, it is a beautiful beauty under the light.
  Xiao Wenxing couldn't help but feel a little lost when he looked at him, his fingers couldn't help but slip across the skin on the opponent's face. Well, this skin is also delicate and excellent without losing the opponent's appearance. Xiao Wenxing’s fingers slid along the opponent’s jaw line to the opponent’s neck, slowly unbuttoning the opponent’s shirt. Following Xiao Wenxing’s movements, the graceful neck of the comatose man on the bed was fully exposed, and then the seductive collarbone came out. ……After
  unbuttoning the two buttons, Xiao Wenxing retracted his hand without reluctance, looked blankly at both eyes, nodded in satisfaction, and sure enough, he unbuttoned the shirt to the top and lay down. Don't you feel too scared?
  After Xiao Wenxing put the man on the bed on ice for a while, he was ready to go to the living room to rest and rest, and by the way, he went online to check the man's condition.
  However, before leaving the bedroom, Xiao Wenxing suddenly remembered something, and quickly turned back, walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer, and took out the dead cell phone.
  Then Xiao Wenxing took the mobile phone and looked for hiding places outside the bedroom of the security room. After he finally found a place that he thought was safe enough to hide the mobile phone, he was relieved and felt much more relieved.
  Although the mobile phone is out of power now, the information stored in it is too much. If the mobile phone is left out, the information in it will definitely make people aware that he is not a person in this world, then he will not be taken away for anatomy. Far.
  Sure enough, picking up people casually is a high-risk behavior, and you can't do this kind of thing casually in the future.
  Thinking of these and none, Xiao Wenxing sat on the sofa in the living room, connected to the star network with the projection equipment in the living room, and began to inquire about the man's symptoms.
  After the last half an hour, I searched countless keywords, read countless starnet answers to such questions, and Xiao Wenxing also talked to a free consultation medical institution on starnet. The final information was very consistent. Alpha's words There is no big problem with being strong and strong. If it is just that the symptoms he described are feverish and sweaty, it may be a susceptible period for Alpha.
  Well, the susceptibility period is something similar to Alpha’s exclusive physiological period. Most Alpha will not have any obvious symptoms during the susceptibility period, but it will be a bit hot and more likely to be emotionally affected by Omega, but there are also A small number of Alpha will have relatively large physiological reactions during the susceptible period, such as fever and sweating, drowsiness and lethargy, and all the symptoms provided by Xiao Wenxing are matched.
  It turned out to be in the menstrual period... Xiao Wenxing's expression was complicated, and he only felt that the more he understood the world, the more he felt out of place.
  However, after I found something useful, I don’t need to worry anymore. Xiao Wenxing relaxed a lot. Finally, he went to the bedroom to check twice and fed some water to the sleeping man. Seeing that the man was always in a stable condition, and he yawned again and again. Finally returned to the living room sofa to go to sleep.
  No dream for a night.
  The next day Xiao Wenxing was awake cold. There was no way. The only blanket was on the man in the bedroom. Although the other party was Alpha, but the other party was uncomfortable during his menstrual period, let's take care of him.
  Standing up, twisting his neck and stretching his arms, he curled up on the sofa and slept all night. Xiao Wenxing, who was aching a little, felt that he was finally relieved.
  Thinking of the man in the bedroom, Xiao Wenxing walked into the bedroom to take a look, and found that the other party was not awake. Although he was still a bit hot, his condition had improved a lot, his face was not so pale, and his forehead was no longer sweating.
  Nodded in satisfaction, Xiao Wenxing's stomach felt hunger, and when he looked at the time, he found that it was already noon. Last night, he slept too late. The supper he had eaten was already completely digested.
  Xiao Wenxing didn't delay anymore, first went to the bathroom to wash, and when he came out, he found a box of instant noodles, unpacked and soaked, then turned on the projection equipment in the living room, and looked for the favorite meal program to play.
  While Xiao Wenxing was eating breakfast happily, in the bedroom, the man who had been sleeping on the bed slowly regained consciousness. His slender eyelashes trembled, and then suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of dark eyes.
  But compared to the unfamiliar environment that came into view, the first thing that grabbed Mo Yunxi’s attention was the rich, almost suffocating sweet pheromone smell in the room. Mo Yunxi's expression was faint, and he felt it carefully. Under this sweet pheromone, there is faintly a colder breath, but the sweet pheromone taste is too strong, and it hides the tinge of the if there is no smell. It makes people unable to explore, even if there is A keenly able to perceive a trace will only think that it is part of the sweet pheromone.
  The sweet pheromone contains a hint of clearness, but it adds a dangerous attraction to this too sweet pheromone.
  Realizing that the potion worked well and his greatest secret was not exposed, Mo Yunxi sighed with relief. However, thinking of the last scene before he lost consciousness yesterday, Mo Yunxi frowned slightly and lost consciousness in the outdoors. The stranger picked it up, and the pheromone burst comparable to Omega's estrus period. Even if the secret is not revealed, it doesn't seem to be a good thing.
  Mo Yunxi lowered his head and checked his body. When he saw the unbuttoned neckline, he paused slightly, but stroking his neck, there was no mark on it. Except for two buttons, there was nothing wrong with him. There should be no signs of discomfort in the body.
  It seems... the person who picked him back last night was a good man and a gentleman by surprise.
  While Mo Yunxi was thinking deeply, he suddenly heard some movement outside the door, and his expression was stunned. There was someone outside!
  Mo Yunxi looked in the direction of the door, only to realize that the door was not completely closed, but ajar. Because of this, the sound came in easily.
  Mo Yunxi quickly sorted out several possibilities in his heart. He sat up quietly and stepped directly on the floor with his feet directly on the floor. The sequelae of the medicine was still there, making his movements a little vain, but he had no problem with accomplishing what he wanted to do. Big.
  Walking to the door without making any movement, Mo Yunxi reached out to support the half-covered bedroom door, gently opened it, and then exposed in front of Mo Yunxi's eyes, it was an indescribable picture.
  There is no dangerous scene outside the door. It is just a small living room with unobstructed views. The biggest piece of furniture in the living room is a row of sofas facing the bedroom door. On the sofa at this time, there is a figure sitting cross-legged with his back facing him. In front of the figure is a projector that is playing entertainment programs. It may be in order not to noisy people. The sound of the program is very low. At this time, the figure is holding a bowl of hot instant noodles in his hands, and he is enjoying it with relish. Staring at the show, laugh with the show from time to time, and then lower your head to take a bite of instant noodles.
  Everything looks normal, but it's weird to the extreme. The reason is that the bedroom door has been ajar before, and it has not been closed at all. It has no half-blocking effect on pheromone, so the concentration of pheromone in the living room at this time is similar to the concentration of the pheromone in the bedroom. It's almost the same here.
  The richness is almost like the substance, which can make any Alpha crazy, Beta affection. The sweet pheromone, but the young man on the sofa seems to have no perception at all. Sitting in it, his face is not red and breathless, watching the projection, with relish. Eating instant noodles.
  In this situation, the surrounding is full of the rich flavor of Omega sweet pheromone, mixed with the scent of instant noodles, it is inevitable that Mo Yunxi will have an absurd and unreal feeling.
  For the first time in his life, facing this strange situation, Mo Yunxi felt that he didn't know how to deal with it.

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