Chapter 45

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Bakugou pov
I stared at the piece of paper in my hand taping my finger aggressively on my phone questioning what I should do "what's that?" Ichigi asked "oh Uhm just calling a friend" I said smiling at him "but you don't have any friends daddy told me so"he said proudly I looked at him a bit hurt "oh did he now?" I said getting angry as I picked up Ichigi and placed him on my lap "yeah! He said it was bcause he would get caught if someone finds you" I looked at him confused why in the hell would denki tell Ichigi something like this but not me! Maybe he's making it up "why did daddy tell you this?" I asked in a calm voice "oh, he did't tell me I heard him say it to some lady who came to our house two days ago while you were getting groceries" he said I was shocked was he cheating on me! Wait no I can't forget the important details , what did he mean by he would get caught if someone finds me?

"Thank you for telling me Ichigi *kiss*now mommy has to go buy some groceries ,ok" I said as I kissed him on his cheek than removed him from my lap "ok!" He said then ran off to his room I sighed then got out of the house I started walking then grabbed the paper and dialled the first number , it started ringing  "hello?" That sounded like deku "Uhm hi I-" I was trying to talk but then got caught off instantly "katsuki baby oh my god I'm so glad you called!" Deku said well more like yelled and then I started hearing crying I groaned "uuuggggghhh stop crying and tell me where we're going to meet!" I yelled he stopped "oh Uhm how about ****** how does that sound?" He asked I thought for a bit , it wasn't that far from my house and not all lot of people go there "fine ,I'm on my way" I said then hung up and started walking.

After a few minutes of walking I arrived at the destination I walked into the cafe and there was barely any people just an old man and what looks like to be hero deku and shoto sitting anxiously on a table beside the window , I walked over them and I could see tears starting to well up in there eyes again "oh come on I just sat down don't start crying" I groaned they chuckled and then there face went serious "look katsuki do you remember anything from your past anything at all" Deku asked worriedly "nope nothing I just remember waking up beside my husband's friends and then I became denki's maid then wife" I said looking bored they sighed "can you not call him your husband please it makes us very u comfortable" deku said I frowned "why? You have a problem in me calling my husband MY husband" I said glaring at deku he huffed.

"Tch yeah I do cause you were supposed to be our husband before that jerk kidnapped you and brainwashed you to be his wife!" Deku yelled furiously "what?" I said in disbelief "pffff so the rumours were true you are going crazy" I laughed "it's true well part of it is" shoto said I stopped laughing ,shoto is the serious type he would never lie or make jokes about a topic as serious as this "wait what?! No way!" I yelled shoto nodded sadly "it's the truth but let's start form the beginning ok" he said sadly I nodded still not believing a single word.

"Well it all started I high school shoto and I had a HUGE crush on you-" I stopped him"skip the boring parts please" I said not In the mood for a whole ass bed time story "oh right sorry , well basically shoto and I kidnapped you and forced you to become our baby and then-" I cut him off "w w w w wait holed up go back did you just say you KIDNAPPED me and then FORCED me to be a fucking BABY!" I yelled they quickly hushed me "shhhhh yes ooh you wanna see I have a bunch of pictures!" Deku said excitedly as he pulled out his phone I was shocked I didn't say a word and then what I saw on his phone shocked me even more it was a picture of me but a bit younger and I was in a onesie sucking on a pacifier and a diaper "oh oh ohuh uh uh uh WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" I yelled.

"Izuku I think you shouldn't have done that" shoto said worried "hey baby it's ok you see how cute you were" Deku cooed "SHUT UP WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!" I yelled  deku rubbed my arm to calm down and then a video played "hehehheheh daddy that tickews!" I heard from the video it sounded like a baby lighting I looked at the screen and it was me dressed up the same like the other picture and deku was tickling me "daddy stowp I'm gonna go potty!"I yelled panicked I could here them giggling as they watched the video "sorry baby dada  was feeling a little silly now who wants cuddles. I do I do!" I chanted I laughed a little , the video ended , I looked at them and they were.......crying.

"Wh...what happened?" I asked confused to what had happened how did everything change.

Sorry I haven't updated <3

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