Chapter 7:

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After meeting with Shea and her Tribe and the time for was to part ways and Shea Join The Adventure with Hajime, Alonso and Yue and now on that morning after days of leaving the forest they both venture through the Canyon Looking for the entrance to the next Labyrinth but nothing out of the blue yet

Hajime: *Sighs* All this says is that the interest to the labyrinth is a Reisen Gorge Thanks for nothing map maker

Shea: Uh-huh sure uh whatever

Alonso: What's wrong why are you squirming like that like for real

Shea: Um...I just... Need to go powder my nose pretty badly

Hajime: You won't bought a bathroom down here

And Yue wave her at Shea Like she's trying to tell her to get a move on

Shea: Aww *And Started walking away for now*

Hajime: anyway since we can walk through the gorge on the way to Gryuen We may as well hit up the the labyrinth if we can find it

Alonso: You know it won't be easy to find it it'll suddenly get the feeling that the liberators are really good at hiding these labyrinths even though this is not just a game of hide and seek if you might say

Hajime: Yeah you're right

Yue: *Nodded*

And Then Shea yelled out

Shea: Hajime I found something I think you like quick come look over here

And then they both got up and follow Shea and then they came across a Sign on the wall

Shea: See isn't weird

And then a voice echoed

Miledi: *Echoing* Hi there glad to meet you let me be the first to welcome to Miledi Reisens Super d
Duper Exciting Labyrinth

Hajime: What where is that voice coming from

Alonso: I don't know but something tells me something doesn't feel right about this Labyrinth

Shea: Who cares It's the interest you were looking for now our adventure can really begin

Hajime: So... Do you think this is legit

Yue: *Nodded*

Hajime: Why is that

Yue: Miledi was in Oscar's notes

Shea: Okay how are we supposed to get inside

Alonso: I was thinking the same thing too How exactly do we even get inside this place

Hajime: Dunno. is probably complicated

And then this happened Shea touch something on the wall and then it opened the stone door and then she fall over and then it closed and both of the three were looking at confusion and they was across the sea where they just actually saw

Alonso, Hajime and Yue: You're kidding

Once inside the Labyrinth traps were triggered Fly arrows we're started heading towards the group and then Alonso began picking them off one by with his pistol And stop all the arrows

Alonso: So much more for triggering a trap so early I can tell this could be bad news for all of us here

Hajime: One more thing where did she go

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