Chapter 3

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3rd POV:

Leon frowned, "Hey, why's it my fault?!" Splinter shrugged sheepishly, "Apologies, Blue. Now, what's going on exactly..?" Both of the Donatellos walked in, greeting Splinter. Don smirked, "Did he blame you, Leon?" Leon grumbled, "It totally wasn't me, though!"

Leo cleared his throat, "We were sucked into a portal. We're not sure how long it'll take to get back..." Splinter nodded and grinned, "Oh, is that all? Okay! I'm off to watch my show!" The alternate turtles watched with dumbfound expressions as Splinter left, like nothing weird was going on. Donnie slowly turned towards Raph, "He acted like this is completely normal..." Raph shrugged, "Funny thing is, nobody here really cares about strange stuff. We just chill with it or fight for our lives."

Michael nodded solemnly, "Yeah, and Don was almost eaten by a mutant pig-" Don shuddered, "Ugh! Do NOT remind me!" Ralph cringed, "Eaten by what?" Raph chuckled nervously, "Yeahhh, again, lots of weird stuff." Michael kept rambling, "Oh, and we also fought these robots! And Draxx! And-" Don covered his mouth, "NOT ANOTHER WORD!!"

Raph's POV:

I led Ralph into my room and smiled, "So, how do ya like it?" He shrugs at me, "It's okay." I nod, "Great! Just, don't kill me in my sleep, 'kay?" Ralph rolled his eyes, "I'll try." I shake my head, "Oh man, another Don..." Ralph snorted, "Seriously? Our Donnie isn't at all 'scary' or whatever yours is." I shake my head, "Oh no, we love him and all, but we're scared he'll kill us while watching TV or somethin'."

Ralph shook his head in disbelief, "This I've gotta see!" He rushed out and I rush behind him, "Oh, boy..."

Donnie's POV

"And how did you make this?!" Don smirked, "Well, I took the basic wiring from the original build and compressed it into the-" The door swung open and I turn towards it quickly. Ralph huffs, "He's just being nerdy." Raph walks behind him and with clenched teeth, he stares at Ralph, "Come. On. Let's. GO." Ralph swats at him and I turn towards Don, who looks annoyed. "Ugh, what does it take to get some peace and quiet? Go away other smaller, annoying Raph!"

I gulp, "Don, Ralph, c'mon now. Let's talk like nice, civilized-" Ralph frowned and screeched, "ANNOYING?! I'LL SHOW YOU ANNOYING!!" Don rolled his eyes and glared, "You ARE showing me the definition of annoying!" I groan into my hands, "Guyssss, come onnn! Can't you PLEASE get along for now?" Don looked at me right in the eye and said with no hesitation a very blunt, "I'd rather burn in a pit of acid."

Raph quickly held Ralph back, "OH, C'MON, DON!! WE NEED TO GET ALONG!!" Don huffed at the screaming Ralph and instead grabbed his staff, "Orrrr I could try out my new tazer?" I stood in front of him, blocking his way, "NO- No tazing!" Ralph glared, "Were you seriously going to cheat with a tazer?!" Don shrugged, "I call it 'using my resources', but sure. Whatever annoys you the most!"

Suddenly both Leonardos ran in, "Told you they would fight!" Don frowned at Leon and grumbled, "Maybe I could test my new toy on him..?" Raph shook his head quickly, "No, no tazing Leon! Or anybody that isn't a bad guy!" Leo grimaced, "Right, speaking about bad guys! Some guy named Albearto is doing evil robot stuff..?" Leon facepalmed, "RIGHT! Yeah, so Teddy is making a robot army and is currently attacking a mall." Suddenly Mikey and Michael tumbled in, knocking Leo and Leon into the room and onto the floor.

"BAD GUY BUTT KICKING TIME, HECK YA!!" Michael grinned at Mikey, "YOU BET YOUR SHELL WE'RE KICKIN' BAD GUY BUTT!!" Don shook his head, "Wouldn't that break your feet? He's metal you doofuses." Raph picked them up and rushed to the turtle tank, "Less chatting more hero-ing!" He placed everyone into the tank, sitting in his seat.

Don dusted himself off and got into position, "That's not a word, Raph. Could've said 'saving' instead." Leon smirked, "Wanna bet how many teddy bear puns I can make?" The ROTTMNT brothers groaned, "Boooo!!" Leon pouted, "That's not BEARY nice, guys." This time everyone groaned. Leo shook his head, "I can't BELIEVE you're me..." Leon frowned, "Aw, c'mon! I'm not THAT bad!" Don nodded, "Yeah, you're right." Leon beamed, "See? Even Don-"

"You're worse." Don finished just as he parked the tank. Leon rolled his eyes, "Yeah, okay. Your opinion doesn't count, Don! You're the evil twin brother." Don opened the door and everyone started getting off and he turned towards Leon, "Not your twin. I disowned you, remember?" Donnie sighed, "How do you guys manage to argue about the silliest things all the time?!" Leon snapped at him, "THIS IS SERIOUS!! HE DISOWNED ME, DUDE!!"

Leon pouted solemnly at Don, "B-but you're my Hermano! My bro! My buddyyyy!" Raph sighed, "Guys, not now!" Don ignored him and jabbed a finger at Leon, "YOU PULLED OUT THE WRONG TOOTH!! YOU ARE A TERRIBLE BROTHER!!" Leon crossed his arms, "IT WAS ONE TIME!!" Michael sighed, "Guys, quit fighting. It's butt-kicking time, right?" Mikey rubbed the back of his neck, "C'mon, guys! Get along!" Don whacked Leon, ignoring their surroundings. Ralph rolled his eyes at them, "Do they always fight like this?"

Suddenly an eery metallic voice boomed around them, "Welcome to the grand opening of Albearto's Mall! I'm afraid we'll have to... check you out." Robots filled the room, surrounding the turtles. Raph got into a fighting stance, "Ready, guys?" Everyone except Leon and Don answered, "Ready!" Don blasted a corn-themed bot and glared at Leon, "Again, you are a terrible brother!" Leon sliced a carrot-themed robot, "Hey, it's SLICE to meet you!" He turned towards Don, "I am not a bad brother! If anything, you are!"

Ralph stabbed a snake bot and yelled over at the two, "CAN YOU STOP ARGUING AND FOCUS ON FIGHTING?!" Don kept fighting while shouting at Leon, "OH, YEAH?! HOW AM I ANY WORSE THAN YOU?! YOU'RE CHILDISH, MISCHIEVOUS, A BIG LIAR AND YOU DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO UNDERSTAND HOW OTHERS AROUND YOU FEEL!!" Donnie dogged a blow and jumped towards Leo, "They won't stop fighting and it's REALLY getting annoying!" Leo nodded, "I know. How do we stop all these robots?"

Don snapped out of his screech fest and turned to Leo, "I can do that! I just need Donnie to help make the shut-down program go by quickly." Leon teleported towards Donnie, teleporting him to Don. The TMNT turtles stared in surprise and Michael zoomed by, "WE HAVE MAGIC WEAPONS- AAAAAAH IT'S TAKING ME WITH IT!!" Raph snatched Michael and pulled him down, "I've got ya!"

Leon clenched his teeth, "Well? Aren't you gonna at least say 'Thanks'?" Don ignored him and instead looked at Donnie, "Okay, so I need you to trace this signal while I find a code match. We need to cut off Albearto's transmission to these bots." Donnie nodded and Leon frowned, "Are you ignoring me?! FINE! Let me list why you're the WORSE brother anyone could ask for! You're OVERLY SARCASTIC, RUDE, YOU ACT DIFFERENT WITH STRANGERS AS IN, YOU'RE NICER TO THEM THAN YOUR OWN BROTHERS!! AND YOU HAVE NO REGARD FOR OUR WELL-BEING!!"

Don kept typing, but answered Leon without looking away, "Liar, name ONE time." Leon sliced another robot, "YOU USED A TRANQUILIZER DART ON RAPH!!" Don chuckled, "I did, didn't I?" Donnie looked startled, "You did what?" Don shrugged, "Doesn't matter. Did you find the signal?" Donnie nodded, "Code?" Don wasted no time and almost right away, the robots shut off at once.

Leon shook his head, "Are you seriously laughing at the memory?" Don shrugged, "So?" Leon shrieked, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU KNOW WHAT? MAYBE YOU WERE RIGHT TO DISOWN ME!! I DON'T WANT A BROTHER LIKE YOU ANYWAYS!" Don frowned, a bad feeling stabbed his heart but he ignored it, "Fine, didn't want to be your brother, anyways." Ralph ran over to them, "The bear guy got away!" Raph sighed, "Guys, c'mon! You shouldn't be fighting, you're brothers-" "Not anymore."

Michael facepalmed, this just got more complicated...

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