Chapter 5

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Raph's POV

I grab the cereal and serve myself a bowl, happy that Don and Leon are getting along again. "LEON GET OFF!!" A crash interrupts my thoughts and I groan, maybe they don't get along as well as I thought. "EW- DON DID YOU JUST LICK ME?!" Another bang and I know they fell over.

I peek from behind a wall at the two and roll my eyes. Don is being pinned by Leon and doesn't like it. "OW- DID YOU JUST BITE ME?! DON THAT'S RUDE- OW!!" I snicker and stroll in, "C'mon, get up." Michael falls from the ceiling and chuckles, "DID YOU SEE ME!?" I nod and lift the chaos twins off of the floor, "Yeah, you didn't crash land this time."

Donnie walks in, "What's all that noise?" I shake my head and put Leon and Don down, "Nothing- DON, NO!!" As soon as they touch the floor Don grabs at Leon, peeved about being pinned. Ralph runs over and cheers, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" I groan loudly and head back into the kitchen to eat.

Leo is there and looks up at me, "Brother troubles?" I chuckled and nodded, "Don keeps lashing at Leon, I'm guessing he messed up one of Don's things." I think so, anyway. Ralph's cheers are drowned out by Leon's complaints and I shake my head, eating my cereal.

Leo smirks, "Ah, and Ralph's the support?" I nod, "Well, I can try to stop Ralph if you want?" I shake my head, "Nah, I'm done trying to untangle everyone's mess. I say let 'em have it."

(Just like what my mother says, "After you bash each other, I'll bash you both!")

Leo stared at me in surprise, " They could get seriously hurt-" I stop him, "I know after they bash it out I'm going to rub in on them that they were being silly." A huge crash came from the living room followed by Ralph's cheering and Michael and Donnie's concerned screams.

I look from around the wall and watch with Leo as the chaos goes on. Mikey at some point joined in, giving out popcorn and watching with interest like it was a movie. Suddenly Leo shoves Don into a wall and I hear a small 'snap'...

May hell rain lose because I KNOW I did NOT just hear a SNAP-

Don stands in place, eyes wide, "Ow..?" Leon stops in place and grimaces, "Oooo, are you..?" Don slowly nods and smiles sheepishly at Leon, "Uuuh, yeah so, uh, I can't really move. I don't know how bad this is-" I shove everyone aside and rush over to Don, "OH MY WORD- DON ARE YOU OKAY?!"

"Uh... Kinda? Maybe?" I groan, "Ugh, I'm so sorry I should've stopped this but I just decided to let you guys go ham and-" Don stared, unimpressed, "Okay, and? Even if you did we still go at it, once we start its war!" Leon walked over and gingerly touched Don's shell, "Sorry, I forgot about..." Michael frowned, "But his armor-"

"Must've cracked. It could've damaged my shell, y'know." Leo, Donnie, Ralph, and Mikey stare with pure confusion, "Whar's the big deal? He has a shell, doesn't he?" "HEY, GUYS!!" We all look over at the two Aprils, "Hi." Aps runs over to Don and grins, "Hey, Don!"

Don grimaces, "Heyyyy." April frowns, "Is something wrong?" I nod slightly, "Yeah... So... Don might've damaged his shell." Aps gasped, "DABG IT, DON!!" Leo frowned, "But what's the big deal?" I sigh, "He's a softshell, that's why he wears shell armor." Don turns red, "Hey!! Don't tell them!"

Aps sighs, "Okay, turn around." She peeks through the crack in the armor and sighs in relief, "Nope, just the armor's damaged." Donnie grimaced, "So, he's more prone to injury?" Don frowned, "Yeah, so what?!" I pat Don's shoulder, "Don, they aren't calling you weak, we're just making sure you're safe."

A sudden ringing comes from Michael's phone and he jolts, "Oh- VILLAIN!! It's Meat Sweats-" I hold a hand out, "Say no more." Don runs into his room, "WAIT I NEED TO REPLACE THE ARMOR!!" Leon grabs his weapons and grins, "YEAH!! HERO TIME!!"

Ralph rolls his eyes at him, "Whatever, who's Meat Sweats, anyway?" Michael sighs, "Only the best chef ever who screams at people until they give up on their dreams! But mutated... And a cannibal pig that eats mutants." Donnie groaned, "You've got to be kidding me!"

Don runs past us, "Nope!! Now get in the tank!!" I rush everyone in and sit down, "Alright, you know the drill. We sneak in, observe what he's doing, and then-" Mikey cheered, "We kick some villain butt!!" I nod at him, "Exactly." Aps hops up and down, "Heck yeah! Oh, and he can absorb the powers of the mutants he's consumed."

April grimaces, "Ugh, gross." Michael shrugged, "Yeah, but soooo cool!!" Everyone stares at him, "What? I'm a fan!"

Don parks and stares at the warehouse in front of us, "Hmmm, seems like the kind of place he'd cook" I frowned, "Okay, c'mon. Remember, only observe!" I turn to Leon, "Right, Leon?"

He groans, "Yeah, yeah..." Leo stares at Mikey, "You too, Mikey." Mikey pouts, "Yeah, yeah..."

Aps's POV

We get out as quietly as we can, which is proving difficult for poor Raph. I press a finger to my lips, "Remember guys, stealth mode." The other turtles sneak about and I join April in ducking around objects. Leon and Don climb up a shaft and haul us in, except for Raph who gets up himself. Man, I wish I was that tall! But then I guess I'd have to duck to get through doors all the time-

"Ugh, it's still raw! That just won't do, where's my salt?" We peak from above MeatSweats as he grins at a mutant snake creature. Leo frowns and whispers, "Okay, so what's the plan? You guys know him better than us." Michael grins dreamily, "I know we have to defeat him and all, but isn't he just the coolest?!" I frown, "More like the grossest..." Don nods, "Agreed." Ralph grimaces, "Ugh, gross. And this guy does it for fun?" Don snorts lightly, "A hobby if you will." 

Mikey shifts position, leaning in, "Huh, he's actually a pretty good cook." Before I can pull him back, the board under him and Don snaps. Don inhales slowly, "I better be delicious if this is my fate-" The board cracks in two, plunging the two turtles onto the ground below, landing behind MeatSweats.

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