Chapter 4

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3rd POV

Ralph stared at the alternate turtles in shock, "What just happened..?" Raph started mumbling, "This isn't good... They've fought before but it never ended this badly! Normally Leon would crack a joke that Don laughs at and then they make up a-and then-" Michael hushed him, "Woah, big guy! Don't worry, I'm about 85% sure they'll make up!"

Raph yelped, "ONLY 85%?!" Leo cleared his throat, "So, I take that this is bad news?" Mikey pouted, "You THINK?! My alternate bros hate each other! Wait- WHAT IF YOU AND DONNIE DO THAT TOO?!" Donnie facepalmed, "Mikey, since when did we argue that badly? I mean, we do useless banter and that's it! Heck, I do useless banter with you!" "Oh, yeah."

Ralph grunted in response, "Well, it won't get in the way of anything, right?" Raph and Michael grimaced and looked anywhere but Ralph's face. "Right..?" Michael sighed, "Yeahhhh, well, we hope not. It's just, they've never fought this bad. They seem REALLY stressed..." 

Donnie nodded slightly, " I mean, a whole other universe just casually appeared out of the blue. Don's trying to get us home, he's extra snappy because of this... And Leon..? Not sure..."

Ralph rolled his eyes and shoved past everyone, stomping into the turtle tanks and glaring at the silent brothers inside. "Hey, knuckleheads! You're worrying everyone and it's getting annoying." Don glared back at Ralph, "This isn't any of your business anyway!"

Ralph grumbled and plopped down on the floor, "Yes it is! It's making everyone all antsy and all that gross feelings what not!" Leon looked up at Ralph, "Wait, really?" Don grumbled incoherently and turned away from the two of them.

Leon scoffed at him, "C'mon, Don! Why are you being so petty?!" Don didn't acknowledge him and just continued typing on his computer. The others started piling in and Don started driving. Mikey groaned, it was way too quiet!

"Aw, come on, guys! Can't you get along?" Mikey pouted at the two and Leon nodded, "I'm trying, hermano! But DON is too busy being a pain." Again, Don didn't say a word, instead, he tried his best to keep his attention on just driving home.

Don's POV

I try my best to block them out, but I can't help but hear them clearly. "Don,  come on! At least say something to me!" Raph sighs, "Don, seriously, you've never acted like this before." I shrug and park the tank and hop out quickly. I don't need anyone telling me about what I should be feeling, I'm mad. At what, I don't know, but I'm upset.

I plop down on my chair and swivel towards the screens on my desk, mad or not I HAVE to get the other us back home. I looked through articles and theories, frustrated. Suddenly someone tapped me and I spun around, slapping their hand.

Leo grimaced, "Sorry, you didn't respond when I called your name, so..." I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Oh, it's fine I guess." Was I that engrossed in all of this research? Gross. I looked at Leo with interest, I haven't gotten to talk with this other version of Leon.

"So, what do you want exactly?" He chuckled, "Right, um, are you alright? You seem stressed, I mean, you keep arguing with your brother..." I snort, "He'll survive. Besides, it's better off if he doesn't want me as a brother. I am rude and sarcastic, so it's fair honestly."

Leo opened his mouth and looked behind me at my monitors, "Woah, have you... Have you been researching on how to get us home?" I nod and turn away from him, "There's almost NOTHING on alternate universes! I mean, it's a theory! But then you guys appeared, so now it's a fact... Ugh!"

I stare at Leo and he sighs, "Yeah, look, I know what it's like to feel frustrated and being responsible for others. I mean, I'm the leader! And a lot of the time I argue with Ralph, or I have to cover for Donnie. Then there's Mikey who's VERY reckless. It's tough, huh?" I sigh and rub my eye, "Yes, and it is absolutely ridiculous."

Leo smiles softly at me, "I think you should talk with Leon. He really wants you to stop ignoring him." I roll my eyes, "He requires attention, of course, he wants to make up." Leo laughs, "I've noticed!" I can't help but laugh with Leo, "Wow, you're nothing like Leon." He shakes his head, "Nope." He walks out of my room, leaving me to think.

I grumble to myself and get up, walking towards Leon's room. I swing the door open and Leon jumps in surprise, "What-" I grab one of his shirts and throw it onto his face, "What's up sucker?" Leon threw the shirt off and stared wide-eyed at me before squealing, "YAY YOU'RE NOT BEING A PAIN!! Well, kinda-" I knock over some of his comics and turn to leave, making sure to keep his door nice and open. 

"DON CLOSE THE DOOR-" I ran off, laughing. I'll never admit this, but I love having these doofuses as my brothers.

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