Hotels and History pt 1

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Chapter 4:

The only thoughts that ran through his minds were ones of confusion. What the hell just happened to him? He fell off a statue and survived. Tyler kept walking through the forest up to the cabin he and Seb occupied for themselves. One lingering thought kept pestering Tyler since he woke up at the base of the statue. John and Jacob both forced their twisted theories into him as if he didn't have an opinion. They were cruel, violent and were always hostile to Tyler. Faith, on the other hand, was gentle. She talked to him instead of inflicting fear. She showed Tyler her view rather than forcing it upon him, but it didn't mean that he agreed with them at all. Faith was different and he had to find out more. The cabin was in sight and Tyler could see Seb cooking two trout over a fire. He quickly noticed Tyler and waved him over.
"Tyler," Seb said as he then turned his attention back to the fish. "What happened?"
"Faith found me and pulled me into the Bliss," Tyler said bluntly. "She wasn't like John or Jacob, she was gentle and kind. It was like she wasn't a Seed at all." Seb removed the pan from the fire and looked at Tyler with a stunned expression.
"Tye, Faith uses her charm to reel people in. She ain't called a siren for no reason. She promises the world to you. She fucks with you're brain and before you know it, she's got ya in the palm of her hand." Seb declared as he looked Tyler right in the eyes. "Whatever she promised to you, it's a lie." Tyler sighed and sat down on his chair and took off his Kevlar vest.
"I've heard those stories before," he said as he looked at the flames of the campfire. "Do you know anyone who might be able to tell me more about Faith? About who she is?"
"Why do you care about all that, you have a job to do here don't you?" Tyler sighed and scratched at the stubble on his cheeks.
"I need to know just what it is I'm dealing with here." He said simply.
"What exactly happened to you in the Bliss?" Seb asked with genuine curiosity.
"She told me a bit about her childhood. It seems as if Joseph saved her when she was at her lowest," Tyler recalled."She then took me to that statue over the hill and forced me to take a leap of faith." Tyler remembered what Faith did with him, took his hands and dropped him herself.
"So what, she isn't blood related?" Seb asked.
"Apparently not," Tyler replied. He the. Thought of something. "I wonder if she was the only Faith then?" Seb looked at him with curiosity now spread all over his face.
"Holy shit," he exclaimed. "That's a good thought. If other people have actually come before her, why is she so special then to the Father?" Tyler pondered over his question, the answer he felt was not quite there yet.
"I'm not sure," he said. "Maybe we go try find out a bit more?" Seb nodded and handed one of the fishes to Tyler.
"Sounds like a good plan Tye."

Tyler packed the stolen pickup truck they found and he packed his AK-M, his silenced 1911 and his recurve bow along with loads of spare ammunition. Seb packed his AR-C, a standard 1911 and the .308 Carbine rifle that Tyler gave him. They were headed off to a supposed stronghold on the other side of the hill their cabin was on. One of the civilians he rescued had told him about the King's Hot Springs Hotel. According to articles he'd read online and from people of Hope County, the hotel was apparently abandoned due to paranormal activity being reported. The cult bought the land and apparently no one know quite what they wanted with it. As Tyler and Seb drove along the road, the radio started playing quietly and Tyler heard the gentle sounds of the 60's classics that the folk of the Henbane loved to listen to. Personally Tyler wasn't the biggest fan of the 60's stuff. He was a pretty passionate country rock and pop fan. He copped all kinds of teasing for his taste in music, but he could never pass down Florida Georgia Line for anything else. The music however helped calm his nerves as they kept driving onwards.
"So if these rumours are true," Seb said, suddenly breaking his empty thoughts. "What's the plan?"
"Same as the Youth Camp," Tyler suggested. "I'll sneak in and deal with anyone up close and you watch my ass and snipe from a distance?"
"Sounds good to me." As they started to turn around the mountain, Tyler could see smoke piling up from behind the tree line. Tyler kept driving down the road until he saw a sign leading off down a short dirt path. The sight said Kings Hot Springs Hotel, which was covered by the cults banner. Those rumours were true. To their right was an old looking building. From the back were two alarm towers
"Where do you want me?" Seb asked as they started unloading their guns. He loaded a fresh magazine of ammo into the Carbine rifle.
"In those trees and see if you can scout ahead for me. Keep the radio on"
Seb nodded and made a dash for the trees. "Alright Tyler, let's take this sucker out." He said to himself. There was a ladder on the side of the building leading up to a window on the top floor. He climbed it and carefully vaulted through the open window. The sound of cult music and Faith's voice echoing her propaganda came up from the staircase to his left. Ahead of him was a laundry with another ladder which looked as if it went up to the roof. He entered the laundry but his focus immediately went to a crumpled bit of paper on the washing machine. He uncreased it and read in his head.
You're not the first one, Selena.
You're not the first woman he's used up and thrown away. For years I'd been hearing this Faith Seed was as tall as her brother, with black hair. Couldn't miss her. And then I saw you in one of their trucks last week, yellow hair in the breeze, and them calling you Faith. He thinks he can just SWAP YOU OUT. Like you don't got a brain of your own. GIF knows who you are, and so do you. Selena, I love you.
Don't lose yourself to this.
Tyler pocketed the note and climbed up the ladder. He could see Seb perched on a rock about 100 feet away. His radio crackled.
"Can see about 6 people outside and at least two inside. Start inside first I think." Seb then closed the channel before pulling out his rifle and looked through the scope. Tyler headed back and moved down the ladder and quietly descended the short staircase. He saw a man across from where he was looking out onto the back of the Hotel. A heavy gunner was walking along the balcony to his right and he could get the sound of a girl singing. He guessed there were three people here. Tyler crouched down and headed for the bar and hid behind the counter. The heavy gunner walked past minutes later and was flipped over and had his head smashed against the wooden counter. He was out cold. Tyler snuck out from behind the bar and got to the railing overlooking what appeared to be the lobby. A female cultist was by the fireplace just singing to herself. One quick headshot from Tyler's pistol took care of her. Tyler hit the talk button on his radio and said "Take care of the guy up high." Tyler watched the man cop a bullet straight into his head.
"Lights out." Seb said into the radio. Tyler vaulted over the railing and crept towards the door heading outside. He could see an alarm panel right in front of him. A cultist stood to the left of it. Thinking quickly, Tyler grabbed a small stone from the ground outside and threw it to the left to drag the man away. Tyler turned on his radio again.
"Stray one to the left, he's yours" The man dropped dead instantly. Tyler crept forward and cut the wires in the alarm. Four more cultist were left, two pouring Bliss into a light blue coloured water and the other two both reading separate clipboards. Tyler shit the first man with a clipboard and quickly shot the first man with the bliss container. Tyler heard a smack sound and saw the other Bliss container man fall dead to the ground. Seb's handiwork. The last guy was looking at a small flower ornament, completely unaware of his allies deaths.
"Last one's yours." Tyler said into the radio. The man fell and both Tyler and Seb were certain that there were no more cultist left in or around the building. Seb came down from his perch and smiled and the Deputy.
"Job too easy am I right?" He said with a little confidence. Tyler fished the note he found out of his pocket and showed it to Seb. He took the note and Tyler watched his face changed from curiosity to surprise.
"Seb, I think we may be onto something here." Said Tyler as he took the note back.
"Damn right, I think we need talk to some of the locals. See what they have to say." He agreed.
"Any idea who we could ask?" Tyler asked. Seb thought hard briefly before nodding his head.
"There is one person."

Hey, I've really enjoyed writing this so this is gonna be a rarity when I upload 4 days in a row. This chapter will have another part to it. Thanks again for all the support I've been receiving. The fact that I've even had one person read this is flattering. Don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me your thoughts. It'll help me make this story much better down the track.

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