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-third person pov-

"oh right, guys-" Clay started

he pulled George's hand and pulled him right next to Clay

"this is George" he smiled and looked at George "George, these dumb people are Nick, Alex, and Karl, they're my friends" He continues

"hi George" the three boys greet George

"Dream has been talking abt you this pass 3 days straight (i think its 3 days stfu)" Q added, Clay stared at Quackity and looked pissed (idk), Alex laughed a little and George stood there quiet, also laughing quietly and looking at Dream

"oh really now? what did he said about me?" George asked

"he said that you looked cute and-" Nick started, teasing.

"WHAT- I NEVER SAID THAT!" Clay cut him off, George giggled with how Dream acted

"really? i thought you did?" Karl joined in

"I DID NOT" Dream shouted

"okay y'all shut up, first of all, Clay you didn't say that but that doesn't mean you don't think like that, second where are we going to hang out actually?" Q added, he begins to walk closer to Sapnap and put his arms on Sapnap's shoulder

Clay looked embarrassed and blushed a little, he looked over at George who was silently giggling, Clay mumbled "sorry" only George can hear it, "don't worry about it" he whispered to the Blonde

"i don't know, where do you guys wanna go or do?" Karl said

"lets hang out at my place! my parents aren't home so i'm basically alone" Alex replied

"okay then lets go"

---(at Q's house)---

"welcome to my house gays" Alex said proudly

"mhm, what do you guys wanna do?" Nick asked sitting on the couch next to Karl "i have a game i made up" Q replied

"what is it?" Clay asked sitting on the floor and George right beside him

"Dare or Die" Q replied

"don't you mean truth or dare?" George asked

"yeah but its a bit different you choose dare you get a dare and you have to do it, and if you choose die each of the other player have to either slap you or punch you, also if you don't do the dare" Q explained (fun fact: I used to play this when I was in 4th grade)

"okay then, that sounds fun!" Nick said and this time Karl laid his head down on Sapnap's lap

"yeah, we can play that i guess" Clay replied smiling

"okay we can start, who wants to ask first?" Q said

"oh! Me! ME!" Karl said excitingly

"okay2 calm down, love, go on ask someone" Alex replied to Karl

"Clay!! Dare or Die?" Karl asked, Clay wasn't actually paying attention he was talking to George at the moment

"Clay!!" Nick shouted

"huh?" Dream said and looked at Karl

"mf. Dare or Die?" Karl smiled

"oh uh, Dare"

"okay then, i dare you to call your ex!" Karl said and sat up

"what! no! we haven't talked for a long time!" Clay replied

"don't care, call her" Alex said, smirking

"okay2 shut up" he picked up his phone and called his ex (i'm gonna call her Jess, and if your name is Jess and reading this rn i'm sorry if i offend you)

they waited for 1 minute until she picked up

"Clay? what do you want?" a sound said trough the phone "what do i say??" Dream whispered "ask how is she" Nick joined

"hey Jess..."

"don't 'hey Jess' me, what do you want? i thought we made a promise to just don't try to contact each other."

"yeah i know. i just wanted to ask how are you?"

"why" she scoffed

"you know what never mind, bye beatch"

"bye? wtf" Jess said before she hang up

"i hate you guys" Clay said putting his phone away and looked at George who was quiet "George?" he said

"yeah?" George and Clay both made eye contact

"are you okay?"

"mf, of course i am" George said smiling

"okay, clay your turn to ask"


sorry clifhanger and its short, i just really neded to post a chapter
stay safe, love ya<3 /p

-663 Words-

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