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"So what time does your plan leave in the morning?" Jones asked me walking into the office Sunday afternoon.

"Seven. I've gotta be there by five-thirty or so." I rolled my eyes. Jones had been spending the previous three days making sure I knew what I was doing, which by the way, I did.

"And what does Sawyer think you're doing tomorrow?" Jones sat on the table in front of me, next to his wife.

"Oh my God Jones. Chill out!" Jade laughed and put her hand on his.

"He thinks that I'm going to be stuck in a meeting all day tomorrow!" I laughed at him.

"And you'll text me as soon as Nikki and Griffin pick you up?"

"Absolutely. I probably won't have time to call though. I'll be making myself pretty on the plane and in the car."

"That's fine. I just need to know that you are safe."

"You sound like her dad." Jade laughed interrupting Jones.

"I feel like her dad sometimes. She's like my little sister." Jones said in a very serious tone.

"I love you like a brother Jones. I promise you, I'll text you as soon as I find Nikki and Griffin." I assured him with a smile.

It was officially my last day in New York. My book was on preorder, and was set to come out on shelves in one month. My job was done. I had my list of recommendations, and Nikki agreed to give me a ride to Sawyer's tonight since they were meeting him there for dinner. To say I was excited, was a huge exaggeration. I could pee my pants of happiness.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you have bags to pack and shit?" Carl asked walking in the office.

"Everything's packed already. I wanted to spend the day here since I probably won't see you guys for a really long time." I sent him a small smile and grabbed my phone out of my back pack.

"Means a lot girl." Liberty stuck her head in the room, "You make sure I get an invitation to the wedding. I'll be there!" 

"If we get married, you'll be a bridesmaid." I smiled at her. 

Leaving was kind of bittersweet. I knew I was doing what I had to do, and it's great that Carl was doing what he was, I'm just a sucker when it comes to goodbyes and I hate the idea of not being able to see them for a while. Plus having to start over with a publishing house, I didn't know if the people I worked with next were going to be as wonderful as the people that helped me with my first two books, and that scared me shitless.

"You two will get married. I just know it." She walked in the room with her laptop and binder in her arms. I swear, this girl is always working on something.

"I can't believe we're saying goodbye for who knows how long." Jades' smile kind of dropped, but perked back up again when she said, "But I'm so glad you're going to be with the guy you're obviously in love with."

"I can't wait to be with him you guys. I've honestly never felt this way about a guy before. He makes me feel like I'm back in high school and the school's most popular guy was talking to me. The butterflies he gives me are ridiculous. I just really hope he's excited when he sees me."

"From the looks of it, he will be. You guys are so freaking adorable when you video chat. I've never wanted two people to be together as bad as I want you two to be together." Liberty smiled brighter.

"Thanks you guys."


"Come on Jones! We've gotta get Britain to the airport!" Jade yelled grabbing her keys from the hook right next to the front door.

"Coming! She's got so many damn bags." Jones groaned pulling two of my suitcases, and carrying two duffle bags and my backpack. The stuff my dad had shipped, arrived the day before I had to fly to London, the timing couldn't have been better.

"That's your own fault! You'd only let me grab one back pack and one suitcase." I laughed opening the front door and walking outside.

"Curse my mom for raising me to be a gentleman." He laughed and followed me out of the house, Jade right behind him and locking the door behind her.

My nerves were a mess when I woke up this morning. I was so anxious to see how Sawyer was going to react when he found out that I was moving to London. I just wanted him to be surprised and happy. If he wasn't happy, I don't know what I would do. It would probably ruin the whole thing.

"Come on girl, let's get you to the airport so you can see that man of yours." Jade smiled.


It didn't take me long to find my gate after I finally got my bags checked. I have no idea how I ended up leaving New York with an extra duffel bag. I guess I bought a little more when Jade and I went shopping, then what I expected. Oh well.

Then when my bags were all checked and ready, Jones and Jade stood there with me for another fifteen minutes, saying goodbye. 

So by the time I finally got to the gate, I was tapping my foot on the ground and having a slight panic attack. I just wanted the flight to go as good as possible. I was going to be back with Sawyer later that night, and I honestly couldn't wait.

I ran to my gate, I felt like I was dying since my backpack and duffel bag were so heavy, but I made it.

The plan was that I would brush my hair out and do my makeup on the plane, then as soon as I landed, I would go to the bathroom and change into clothes that would be better for my reunion with my boyfriend, then the sweatpants that I was wearing on the seven hour plane ride. Griffin and Nikki were going to get my bags for me, then Griffin would take a cart and load my stuff into his cousins truck while Nikki waited for me. We would leave right away.

Luckily, that plan worked out, and by eight-thirty in the evening, London time, Nikki, Griffin, and I were on our way to a late dinner and movie night at Sawyer's apartment.

I was so excited and so nervous, that I didn't stop bouncing the whole twenty minute ride.

When Griffin parked the car, I looked at Nikki with a huge smile. 

"Will you guys wait here? I want to go knock on the door alone. It'll add to it I think." My heart was pounding.

"Of course. I'll bring your backpack in with me." Nikki sent me a smile as I opened the car door.

I followed the directions that Nikki gave me and found the door to Sawyer's apartment in no time.

I knocked on the door once.

Then, I was standing face to face with my amazing boyfriend.

"Britain?" A huge smile spread across his face as I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, giving him a huge kiss.

I'd never been happier then I was in that moment.

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