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"I can't believe I finished writing all six chapters in less then six hours!" I yelled happily when I skipped back into my room later that night. 

Sawyer was still laying across my bed with his headphones on, but he'd fallen asleep, and my dad had gone back downstairs with my mom. So, I was basically just cheering to myself, which obviously wasn't going to do.

I shut and locked the door to my room before skipping over to my bed and pulling Sawyers headphones off his head and his phone out of his hands. I sat them both on my end table and then climb on top of Sawyer, in a straddling position. I leaned over and kissed Sawyer, big, sweet kiss on his lips, which wakes him right up.

"Hey there!" I chirpped happily while looking down at him.

"Well hello to you too!" He laughed while putting one of his hands on my hip.

"I finished!" I smiled brightly.

"The whole book?" 

"Yup! And even a bonus chapter about Jaxon and his family helping us out!" 

"Awesome babe!" He smiled up at me.

"I think I deserve to celebrate." I bit my lip and looked down at him.

"How so?" He asked with a beautiful, and knowing, smile spreading across his face.

I leaned down and kissed him again. No words were spoken, but we had a mutual agreement. 

He slipped his hands under the edge of my shirt, just enough that his hands were half touching my bare skin and half touching my jean shorts. I kissed him harder and he started nibbling on my lip as his hands moved a little further up my shirt. 

Next thing I knew, Sawyer was flipping us over, he was holding himself up between my legs, and I wrapped my legs around his body. He started kissing me again, and then started unbuttoning my shorts.


"Was that a good celebration?" Sawyer asked in a deep voice as we snuggled up together under my blanket.

"Oh yeah." I smiled up at him and wrapped my arm around his warm body.

"I really am proud of you for all that you got done today. I knew you could do it." Sawyer whispered to me, right before there was a knock on the door.

"Just a second!" I yelled before jumping out of the bed and pulling on my underwear and Sawyer's shirt. Sawyer got out of bed, just a second after me and pulled his sweatpants on. Then I opened the door to reveal Jack and Clemson. "Well if I would have known it was you two, I would have probably put some pants on."

"It's fine." Jack laughed, "We were just sent up here to ask if you guys wanted to go to the grocery store to pick a few things up for the cook out tonight. Your dad just decided to have one a few hours ago, so he's got a pretty hefty list of stuff he needs."

"We can't go because of our wives and babies and such." Clemson added.

"Is Alaina being clingy or something?" I asked.

"Very. But yeah, can you go?" Jack looked at Sawyer and I.

"Sure. We'll change really fast." 

"Alright. You guys don't have any shame do you?" Clemson laughed as he took in the sight of Sawyer and I.

"It was just a celebration. Duh." I rolled my eyes. "I finished the last six chapters, and two bonus chapters of my book, in six hours. With my horrible writers block."

"Damn. Understandable. Your writer's block is usually the worst thing known to man!" Jack said.

"I know! Anyway. I'll be down in a few. We'll get dressed really fast."

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