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I spent the whole ceremony starring at Sawyer, and crying because of my best friend and her now husband. Sawyer was laughing at me the whole time because I couldn't get my stupid emotions in check.

Then, when Nikki and Griffin were just about to kiss, the bridal party started screaming and cheering. Making the couple blush together. All in all it was beautiful. 

Then I got to loop arms with my lovely boyfriend, and walk our way to the reception. 

"Look how close we are to dancing!" Sawyer whispered excitedly beside me.

"Nikki's going to be pissed when she sees that you and I are whispering to each other in every picture of us walking down the aisle." I smiled up at Sawyer.

"Or she'll not even mind because she got some adorable pictures of us starring at each other with the same lovey dovey eyes that her and Griffin had. I really hope they could capture that chemistry." Sawyer winked at me.

"My brothers and sisters are probably going to be flipping out when  I get the chance to talk to them later." I laughed when he mentions the chemistry. "There was no doubt that we have something going on. I mean I know everybody in the audience could sense that Nikki and Griffin weren't the only love-struck ones here today."

"Am I meeting the rest of your family today?" He asked with a smile.

"Probably." I smiled back. "But wait a second. You still haven't even bothered to point your family out to me. Am I meeting them today?" 

"Well. It's only my mom and dad really. But you'll definitely meet them. And I mean, a good half the people here are at least cousins." 

"I want to meet anybody that I can." 

"Of course you do. We can do that. But I need dances and kisses first."

"Lucky for you, we're having the Bridal Party Dance as soon as we get in there." Nikki said in front of us. "However, if you two don't stop talking and let the photographers get some good photos of you walking down my aisle and down to the meadow. I will murder you both. Don't mess with me."

"Sorry mom." Sawyer mumbled.

Then we walked our way into the meadow. Where Nikki and Griffin had their 'DJ,' which was really just Nikki's older brother, introducing the bridal party as we entered. Then he started playing Before Midnight by Scotty McCreery. 

Next thing I knew, Sawyer was wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my body as close to his as was acceptable for the place we were in, then we were dancing. 

And let me tell you, Sawyer is probably one of the best dancers I've ever danced with. He was really good at slow dancing. Which yeah, slow dancing is usually pretty easy, but it was just amazing.

But the whole time we were dancing, I could hear my two sisters whispering.

"What the hell is going on between those two!"

"There's obviously something."

"I know! They can't keep their eyes off each other."

"Plus look at the way he's holding her."

"Is our sister finally going to grow up and get herself married."

"Well at least she graduated college before finding a boy." That was Greg. Oh Greg. I love you. "Or getting herself pregnant."

"Shut up Gregory."

"So that's your family." Sawyer laughed.

"Yup. That's my family." I smirked.

"Can't wait to meet them." He smiled back at me.

"I really want to kiss you. But we can't take the spotlight of Nikki and Griffin." I pouted.

"Well. When this dance is over, we'll go hide somewhere so we can sneak a few kisses." He laughed.

"Oh my God they're talking about kissing!" One of my sisters squealed like it's the best thing ever.

"Apparently we need to talk a little quieter." Sawyer leaned over and whispered directly in my ear, making my little sister squeal even more in glee.

"You'd think I just told them we're getting married. When in reality, we've only been dating for like three days now." 

"Three days is a long time." Sawyer said jokingly.

"Well to them it is. Alaina and Jack were only dating three months when they got engaged. Then they got married at nine months. Rosie got married after six months of being with Clemson."

"Okay so you come from a family of Speedy Petes. There's nothing wrong with that." He was still whispering. 

"Apparently I'm taking on the gene considering we've been dating for as long as we've known each other." I giggled. "But I wouldn't change a thing."

"The song needs to be over now so I can go steal those kisses from you." He smiled down at me, pulling me a little closer to him.

Almost as soon as he said that, the song ended. 

"Yay!" Sawyer said grabbing my hand and trying to pull me away. 

But nope. We were stopped by my two sisters standing right in front of me.

"Hello. We were just leaving! I have to pee." I smiled sweetly at my sisters.

"Nice try." Rosie smirked while eyeing Sawyer up and down. "He's cute sis. Good choice."

"So you have a boyfriend." Alaina added. "More than cute Rosie. This guy is gorgeous. How did he end up with Dumbo over here." 

"Don't call me that." I snapped angrily. 

"Alaina be nice." Jack yelled from his seat. 

"Wow Jack. Way to help." I laughed.

"I can't do much else. She's pregnant and I'm already in trouble." He looked at the table.

"What did you do?"

"I told her she had a turbo waddle. She didn't like it."

"And if you don't stop talking about it now, you won't be having any babies after this one." Alaina smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh gosh." Rosie said rolling her eyes. "Anyways. Back to the point. Why didn't you tell us that you had a boyfriend?"

"Well partially because you guys are freaks and acting as if you've never seen me with a guy before." I said to them. I really want to get away from them. "And because it just happened a few days ago."

"So what's your name?" Clemson asked from the table. 

"Sawyer. Sawyer Parker." 

"God he's British." Alaina's cheeks flushed.

"So I'm sure you've realized your voice is the key to the hearts of the three Jacobs girls." Greg piped up.

"I guess." Sawyer laughed from beside me.

"We'll let you go for now. But we'll get you later." Rosie smirked at me.

"I don't doubt it." I said rolling my eyes as I began pulling Sawyer away from the table of morons that I have to call my family.

"They don't seem too bad." Sawyer laughed.

"Are you kidding me? They're terrible!" I laughed.

"So when exactly was your last boyfriend?" Sawyer asked.

"Freshman Year of college." I responded. "And it was by choice. Like I told my dad. My main focus was getting my degree."

"There's nothing wrong with that. It didn't really matter to me. I was just wondering." He smiled at me. "Now can we please sneak off for our kisses?" 

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