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"This is your house?" Sawyer asked as I pulled Tonia's car into the drive-way. She let Sawyer and I borrow her car to ride home so that she didn't have to drive separately from my brother and the kids. She said she was too tired. I personally just think she's pregnant again.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p' "I know it's pretty big, but we had a lot of kids in our family. Plus dad was a writer and mom was an artist. Mom used to teach kids some art in one of the downstairs rooms and dad did tutoring in his office."

"I like it though. It's just not very you."

"I agree." I laughed. "But I have my room and my bathroom. Plus my dad turned his old office into a library. So in some aspects it is me. Just not the size."

"I picture you wanting a smaller, cozier house."

"That's what I would prefer. But I do want five kids."


"Yup. I know. That's a lot. I don't know why, but I've always dreamed of having five kids."

"I love you." Sawyer smiled at me as I turned the car off.

"I love you too. But why did you say that?"

"Because you're like, the most adorable thing in the world. And I think it's really awesome that you have goals and dreams."

"Well thanks." I smiled while leaning over to kiss him.

The kiss quickly deepened, and soon, Sawyer had pulled me into his lap. We were both breathing pretty hard, but neither of us wanted to pull away.

"Brit." Sawyer gasped in between kisses.


"Maybe.. Your.. Room."

"Mhm." I kissed him one more time before climbing out of the car and letting him grab his bags and follow.

I led him up the stairs quietly, trying to make it upstairs before my parents heard us. I led him to my room and opened the door. He threw his bags on the ground next to mine, then shut and locked the door.

"Kiss me." I told him pulling him on the bed with me.

"Don't have to tell me twice." He smiled while rolling on top of me.

Next thing I knew, his shirt was on the floor and his lips were smashing against mine. 


"What are we doing tomorrow?" Sawyer asked later on that night as we were laying in my bed, both of us were naked.

"Shopping?" I suggest. "I can't do anything tomorrow night. I need to write some."

"So take me around Anaheim and we can go shopping during the day, then tomorrow night we can come here and you can work on your book and I will make more phone calls regarding work."

"Sounds good to me." I smiled before kissing him.

"Sweetheart, are you guys in there?" My dad asked knocking on the door, making me groan.

"Yeah daddy! What's up?" I yelled back while climbing out of bed and pulling my underwear and Sawyer's t-shirt on.

"I was just wondering if you guys were hungry. Mom and I are thinking about making some popcorn and watching a movie or something."

I looked at Sawyer, who just looked at me.

"Dad.. You realize that it's like, midnight right?"

"Britain. It is never to late for popcorn. Haven't I taught you anything?"

I laugh as Sawyer pulls his shorts on and I open the door to my bedroom. "I think we're getting ready to head to bed dad. How about tomorrow?"

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