Chapter 13

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I placed my hands on her waist and she leaned in to kiss me before I frowned and pulled away. "Hold on, as much as I want this, I don't want my first kiss, or first anything, to be in a cage."

She smirked at me, her hands running over my body and making me quake under her touch. "I'll race you to the bed then!"

"A race?" I chuckled.

"Yep! Winner gets to be on top!" she launched herself past me and was on the bed before I was even out of the cage.

I had lost, and badly, so I just walked over, slowly stripping my clothes off as I did. It took some hopping to get the socks off. It was sexy I'm sure judging by Nikki's giggles, but by the time I reached the bed, I was down to my boxers.

"Allow me," she said as she hooked her fingers in the band, and slowly lowering my remaining covering while licking her lips. "This is going to be a good night."

"I was thinking the same thing." I whispered harshly, leaning down to wrap my arms around her and taking us both down onto the bed. "So, is there anything else I need to know before you do some witch and werewolf stuff? Oh shit, I don't have a condom!" It wasn't like I had planned on meeting Nikki and learning I had to immediately bed her, you have to give me a pass on that, right?

"Lucas, stop. My dad is a doctor, and I still get birth control pills to regulate.... Well never mind, you don't want to hear that stuff. But it will be fine," she promised me. "Oh, and I'm going to bite you."

"Oh, damn, you're into biting?" This was moving pretty damned fast, and I barely knew her. What else do I need to know? "Do you really want to do this right now? Oh, and won't that make me a werewolf too?"

"Me biting you wouldn't make you a werewolf unless I was in my wolf form, don't worry. Oh, and the biting is how us wolves mark our mate, so everyone knows you're mine forever. You bite me too, but since you don't have the same teeth, it will be different. Just bite hard and it will work. You're right about it being fast, but if it were up to me, I would have been with you since the summer, and we would have grown closer over all this time. This isn't at all how I wanted to meet you, or to be with you. But if not now, then when? After you leave, I'm in a cage for the next 3 weeks until he comes back for me. I want to be mated at that point." She nuzzled my neck, her hands roaming my back and pulling me up against her. But I had to pull away again.

"Seriously? I have to bite you?" I had a gorgeous naked woman in a bed, practically throwing herself at me and I was just confused as hell. My body certainly wasn't, and it was responding to what she was doing, but my mind wasn't in the right place.

"That is what Clover says, and she is my wolf. It's like having another consciousness inside me but she has all of her instincts." Her hands moved downward, cupping me as she looked into my eyes. "Now, do you really have more questions, or can I make you mine?"

There were a ton of questions I wanted answers to, but right now I couldn't formulate words. Her hand seemed to have made speech impossible, so I just nodded. I remembered how to move my head for that, so it was somewhat coordinated.

She grinned and then leaned forward to kiss me, so I met her halfway and felt her soft lips couple with mine. If I was tingling before, now I was positively humming. Seriously, like there was a hive of bees in my chest that were demanding to fly free. My hands tangled in her hair, pulling her closer, while her hand gripped me tighter and caused me to let out a groan of pleasure. When we finally pulled away, I think my eyes might have been a bit glazed, but hers were glowing faintly.

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