Chapter 18

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"Turn her into a werewolf?" my Dad asks. "Wouldn't she have to bite her?" He definitely sounded skeptical of that plan.

"Yes, she would have to bite her. But we could pick someplace that wouldn't be too painful, and she would bite only a little, just enough to turn her into a wolf," I explained.

"No, I can't allow that. Your mother's been through too much, I can't have her get bitten too." He was shaking his head rapidly at the thought of it.

"Dad, I know it could hurt her a little, but if it cured her, wouldn't that be worth it?" I asked loudly. For once the younger siblings remained quiet, wanting to see how this played out.

He hung his head, and I could see unshed tears in his eyes. It was a miracle cure, but it wasn't without its own consequences. "Alright, I'll agree to it on one condition. You bite me first. I want to know how much it will hurt her, and I don't want her having to go through this alone."

My mouth hung open at the suggestion, but he had been with mom for over 20 years, and he wanted to keep going with her. If being a werewolf was going to be an adjustment, like having kids or dealing with financial issues, then he was going to go through it with her. I looked over at Clover, who simply nodded.

"You know with the number of pain killers that mom is on that it is going to hurt you more than it will hurt her, right? She probably won't even feel it," Leon pointed out. Since he was the one doing most of her caretaking, and understood her medication, I had to take him at his word.

"Even if it was painless, I don't want to have her go through it on her own," he said stubbornly.

"Can she bite me too?" Fran spoke up.

"No!" my dad and I chorused.

"I mean, it seems silly to have a werewolf family but only the parents. We could go on family hunts and stuff," she suggested.

"Nice try Franny," my dad chuckled while ruffling her hair.

Clover suddenly lifter her head and whined a bit. "You ok?" I asked, looking down at her and pulling her closer.

In response, she jumped back onto the bed and then burrowed back under the blankets and then they got smaller, and she was once more Nikki. Sticking her head back out from under the sheets she had a worried look on her face. "Lucas, I just realized that if I bite them now, their first shift will be the first night of the full moon, when Phillips is coming to attack."

"Shit," I muttered.

"What is that about an attack?" my dad asked sharply.

"I'm sorry, my dad has been trying to cure me of being a werewolf and has been contacting a lot of people to ask. But the last person he asked was a creepy guy who wants me for himself," Nikki said with a shudder. "He's planning on coming back on the full moon with some other werewolves. to kidnap me and take me to his pack house. I had planned to be there for you on your first shift, because it can be confusing to let your wolf take over, but it would be hard if they're attacking at the same time."

"To put it bluntly, he wants to kidnap and rape her to make baby werewolves," I interjected, to make sure my dad understood the gravity of the situation.

"And what is the plan to stop him?" Fran asked, scared.

"We don't have a plan yet. We were trying to save mom first, and then we work on stopping Phillips," I admitted.

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