Volen Got Shot in the Head

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Written for imagen_enigma and Smiley.


Cassius didn't ask to be the God of Infatuation.

They did not ask for strangers that he never met before to fall 'in love' with him at first glance or, gods forbid, stalk him.

He may have enjoyed the attention in the beginning. There was a time when he loved the way people would look at him twice in the streets or loved the way people would always try to please him with gifts and offerings.

But gradually, he learned that "love" wasn't what he represented. That "Infatuation" didn't always mean 'love.'

That 'Infatuation' wasn't always something good.

Sometimes infatuation bred a sort of strong admiration and even devotion.

But other times it bred obsession and possessive behaviour which led to strong jealousy over perceived competition.

Too many times, these competitions led to murder in the name of Cassius' 'love.'

Which was the reason why they didn't like Volen at first.

If the Greeks had anything to say about the consequences of attracting a God's infatuation; 'detrimental' would have been a severe understatement.

And at first it was.

But gradually it wasn't.

Volen was sweet. He kept himself at a relative distance but always managed to find himself pulled into Cassius' orbit. Like a moth to a flame.

But he never pushed for them to grow closer. He wasn't pushy but he was protective.

He is like a golden retriever. Sweet, loyal and playful.

Enigma was similar in that regard but they were more like a chihuahua.

Their bark was always much more detrimental than their bite. That doesn't mean they can't cause trouble, of course. They cause plenty of trouble and get away with it by the sheer virtue of being such a small and cute dog.

Case in point...


Volen tumbles over. The bullet wound from their forehead leaking profusely, leaving a halo of blood beneath their head.

It was late, they found themselves walking together as they made their way to the bar.

Or tried to, anyways.

The humans that restrained them, worked for some richer human who thought Cassius was her soulmate. Yuck.

Enigma wouldn't shut up.

The human got offended and looked at him to clear up the 'misunderstanding'.

Volen said even if she grew a dick, Cassius still wouldn't fuck her-


And Enigma immediately forgot everything as soon as the gun went off and they let go of Volen's now non-functioning body.

They say, the guiltier your conscience is, the more easily startled you are by loud noises.

Cassius chokes a cry as the human presses a kiss to his cheek.


Luckily, an unlikely dark (bartender) knight came to the rescue and quickly took care of the humans before heaving Volen's corpse under his arm, a disoriented Enigma under his other and having a distressed Cassius get carried on his poor fucking back.

Anima sighs. "Haa... you stupid gods are like kids... so troublesome..."

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