Theseus Stalks Wolfgang

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Theseus was not deeply involved in any justice system in their world. He knew of them, he got a membership for the institutions which allowed more wriggle room for how exactly they were to accomplish said justice.

That doesn't mean he knew all of them, of course.

Though he did try to ask the Observer once. He blinked at him, blankly before adjusting his neck pillow and snoring away.

Just because he looks like an old man and Theseus calls him an old man, doesn't mean the bastard should act like an old man.

Theseus knows the Observer's mental maturity is that of a particularly precocious child.

These justice systems... At first they were created out of good and pure intentions but not even Gods are spared from the rushing waters of change.

Ironically enough, it's more often than not the institutions who cared little for the "correct" method of justice that continues to ensure fair and swift judgement, the others just aged prettily and grew with petty management.

Theseus has several papers ensuring his right to deal with his brand of "justice."

And Justine is the next God Theseus plans to invoke judgement upon.

Theseus didn't recognize him at first. How could he? He's never seen his face before that night at Locum Ignotum.

(Who was the wise guy who came up with the bar's name anyways?)

They called him Justine's "Loyal Mutt."

Though a "bitch" would be a more accurate description of what Wolfgang is.

If the pictures Theseus took were any indication.

Theseus never understood the appeal of flesh. Gods knows he's engaged in it more than once.

(The Cult of Dionysus believed in hedonistic ideals-)

Justine's institution is like many others that Theseus has seen eventually burnt to the ground, either by a competing god, an angry mortal or a particularly cunning spirit.

Grandiose. Larger than life. Lots of useless symbolism and holy imagery.

And maybe he's not as old as Metanoia or Amara.

But he is experienced. He's cunning. He's not just a prideful lion. Heroes vary and Theseus reflects these fables.

From the small but cunning to the bold and the brave.

He didn't want to follow Wolfgang originally but out of everyone else he was the closest and the one everyone else refused to tail, out of fear of consequences.

So Theseus walked a few steps behind him in the crowded streets.

Not that Wolfgang seemed to mind. Barely giving him a glare half of the time.

So he drove his car after his, barely bothering the effort to be subtle

So he languidly leaned on walls, chewing on spearmints just as the taller man left a shop stained by blood that isn't his and tired but not from a fight. Moving like the Observer as he disappears into the crowd like a droplet to a lake.

Theseus would pity him if he actually gave a shit.

It's honestly embarrassing to think that this was the man, most people were afraid to tail. This man who was this unbothered by Theseus' blatant stalking and Euphoria's insistent harassment.

Theseus might've as well made friends with Euphoria and made themselves the "invaders of the alcoholic's privacy duo."

Maybe it would've gotten Amara off his back about "being too stingy with friends" well how's this for 'stingy'? I made friends with the God equivalent of a druggie.

Infiltrating her precious courthouse wasn't too difficult.

A few well asked questions to the Observer was better than any mish mashed map that the others have given him.

Though the fact that Theseus got answers from the Observer at all meant that the old man had vested interest.

That it wasn't a professional interest.

(An all too familiar indignant itch washed across Theseus' skin, jealousy churning in his navel, uncomfortably-)

After that, slipping inside was a matter of letting Wolfgang think he lost him and following the pathetic mutt back to it's master.

And even after all of that, something surprising finally happened...

(The councils told Theseus to be "patient" that "her time would come" that he'd need to "get in line" to ever get a chance at her-)

They told him to "bide his time" and to keep an eye on her.

The same people that never asked for anything from them except to report their deeds so that they can half-heartedly brag at the gatherings like parents at PTA meetings.

They told him to wait for an opportunity.

("Wait" like the Observer who used to having staring contests with their, now deceased, cat. Waiting for the fur ball to curl up on his chest and ruin his sweater with excessive kneading like he was a scratching post-)

Well fuck that.

(Even if he did get in trouble, the Observer would vouch for him. The Observer doesn't often take the initiative to speak but when they do, their words could cause cities to fall and cure plagues-)


A/N: Theseus is an intellectual

But he's also a feral golden retriever with rabies 

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