The Meeting

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Violet and Klaus scarcely spoke on their journey to the jail. Klaus read as he walked, holding the book in one arm and Violet's hand in the other. Finally, the building stood right in front of them. 

"I wonder how Sunny's doing," said Klaus. 

"She's probably fine," said Violet. "Anyway, it would be a lot more convenient if I didn't have to keep glancing back at the village."

"I can keep watch," said Klaus. "I'll sit outside and read, and make sure no one hears us." 

Violet gave him a grateful smile, and after they wished each other good luck, they parted again.

When Violet opened the door of the jail, she immediately had to cough, the inside was so dusty. 

She glanced at Klaus once more, then, throwing caution to the winds, she went inside.

The prison was bigger than she thought. It was also almost empty. Though Violet could barely see, there were some areas where the shadows seemed thicker. She crept through the passageway, her heart racing. 

Then a sound - the movement of metal. Violet quickened her pace. "Hello?" she called out. The sound stopped, but there was no response. "Jacques...?"

She heard a sudden gasp, then a voice.


Despite how much it shook, it was sharp. "There's nothing for you here - you've already gotten what you wanted." 

Violet paused, then kept going. "It's Violet Baudelaire," she said.  "I'm here to help you." Violet had reached the end of the prison by now, and saw Jacques in the dirtiest cell, his hands on the bars. He stared at her with wide, grateful eyes.

For a few moments, Jacques was so surprised that he stumbled over his words. "Where are your siblings?" was what he asked first. 

"Klaus is outside, and Sunny's not far," said Violet. "Klaus is reading about mob psychology, so we can convince the town to let you go free." 

Jacques smiled weakly, but with immense admiration. "You take after your mother," he said. "In more ways than one. I'm sorry we had to meet like this. I wanted to help you and your siblings, and now you're helping me."

Violet smiled and ran her hands over the dusty brick. "It's not your fault," she said. "And you still can. We all have so many questions, and everything we find out leads only to another mystery. If you could give us some answers, my siblings and I would really appreciate it." 

Jacques nodded and began. "Your parents and I met, it must have been 30 years ago. We were in the same organization, one working to get the world safe, smart, and quiet." 

"Is that V.F.D.?"

Jacques nodded, and gestured to the tattoo on his ankle.

"I don't understand," said Violet. "Is Count Olaf a part of V.F.D.?"

"In a manner of speaking," said Jacques quietly. "There was a schism, a kind of argument, with everyone taking sides. The other side of the schism tried to get rid of us, trying to steal the world's fortunes, leaving it a wicked place."

Violet thought about it. That sounded like Olaf, alright. And Esmé Squalor. Every rare moment since that awful day on the beach that she and her siblings felt happy, some villain would snatch it away from them.

"Why?" asked Violet, louder than she intended. "Why would someone do something like that?" Jacques didn't answer, but Violet already knew. He looked at her, and Violet realized that he must have also been feeling the same way. 

"I'm sorry, Violet."

She looked down at the ground, feeling her eyes water. A few tears fell on the dusty floor. They reminded Violet of something. An idea sprouted in her mind.

"I came here to rescue the Quagmires," said Jacques finally. "And you." 

"The Quagmires are here?" Violet gasped.
"Why did you think the crow fountain was installed, if not to keep two children?" 

Part of Violet wanted to run right then, to the fountain and save her kidnapped friends. But she couldn't. At the mention of a fountain, the idea in Violet's mind grew. "Your name is Jacques, right?"

"Yes, Jacques Snicket." 

"Congratulations, Jacques Snicket," said Violet with a smile. "There's going to be a miraculous escape from the prison tonight." 

Jacques blinked, confused. "What--how?" 

Violet was already tying her hair up in a ribbon. "Because I'm going to get you out of here." 

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