ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪx: ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ

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''Hey, Lovebug.''

You stare at the man standing in the doorway, not believing your eyes. Maybe it's a lot hotter than you think outside and you're suddenly having hallucinations? Because there's no way in hell that he's actually here, smiling at you like he's missed you.

''Jace? What are you doing here?''

You're relieved that the door between your office and the garage is closed and that no one can see him.

''No hello?'' Jace fakes a pout and you almost roll your eyes.

''Hello, Jace. What the hell are you doing here?''

''I missed you.''

You laugh. ''Nice try.''

''I did!'' He steps inside.

You stay behind your desk, preferring to have some kind of distance between the two of you.

''How did you even find me here?''

''Your parents told me. I called them, saying that I was worried about you because it seemed like you were getting yourself involved with a bad man. They were just as worried as I am, so they gave me your address to check up on you.''

''I highly doubt that because I speak to my parents every day and they know that I'm perfectly happy and safe here.''

''How can you be happy here when your fiancé is in another state?'' He sighs.

''We're not engaged anymore, Jace. We never should have been in the first place.''

''We love each other!''

''No. No, we don't. You love yourself, maybe that girl you were screwing for our entire relationship but you definitely did not love me. I thought I loved you, but I think I was more in love with the idea of who you were, what you represented, than actually you.''

Jace takes a few steps forward. ''Look, I messed up. I know that. But now I know that you are the one for me, not her.''

''Jace.'' You sigh and lower your head, pinching the bridge of your nose and closing your eyes for a second to gather your thoughts. You look back up. ''What do you want from me? Why are you here? Because I'm not leaving.''

''I want you to come home.''

''I am home.''

''No.'' Jace raises his voice. ''This isn't your home. Your home is with me.''

''Lower your damn voice.'' You hiss through gritted teeth.

Jace glares at you. ''Watch how you talk to me.''

''Listen to me. This is my home, we are over and I'm not leaving. Just move on with your life and find some other girl to cheat on. Now get the hell out of my office.''

You put your hands on your hips and nod towards the door behind him.

''I don't think so.'' Jace grabs your arm and pulls you closer to him. ''You've had your little fun, your revenge or whatever but now you're done. We're getting your things and you're coming home with me. Where you belong.''

''Let go of me.'' You warn him.

He tightens his grip around your arm. ''No.''

You use your free hand to push against his chest, but he grabs that arm too and pins you to his chest.

''Jace, let go!'' You say louder this time.

''No.'' He almost yells in your face. ''You belong to me.''

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