ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ: ᴄᴏɴꜰᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ

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Bucky holds his breath as he waits for your reaction. He wasn't planning on telling you he loves you tonight but he felt like it was the right moment. Like you needed to hear it. Except now he's terrified that you're going to reject him. He's been so intense with you since the very first moment he met you, he's been all over you even if he knows you've just come out of a pretty scarring relationship. He really wants to give you your space, give you the time you need but at the same time he just can't help himself because he's known since the moment he saw you crouched down next to his bike that you were the one for him. He had made jokes about asking you to marry him right then and there but truth be told if he had done it, he never would have regretted it. If he ever gets married it'll be to you, and no one else. If things don't work out with you then things will never work out with anyone else either.

You pull Bucky out of his thoughts when he feels you starting to move and watches as you turn around. You now sit facing him with your legs crossed and pulled to your chest to stay close to him.

''You what?'' You ask him to repeat himself, looking in his eyes for any signs that he's just messing with you or saying it out of pity.

He hesitates to say it again, what if it's your way to give him a chance to take it back? But then he looks into your eyes and he sees doubt and fear in them. You don't want him to take it back, you're waiting for him to tell you that he really means it.

Bucky wraps his arm around your back and pulls you closer to him, until you're close enough for him to lean in and rest his forehead on yours. He takes one of your hands and puts it on his chest, your palm right above his heart so that you can feel how fast it's beating right now. He covers your hand with his and stares into your eyes for a few more seconds before smiling lovingly at you.

''I love you.'' He says quietly, just loud enough for you to hear him because he doesn't want anyone else in the world to hear him. This moment is just for you and him.

Bucky repeats it over and over again until he can't see doubt in your eyes anymore, until he's sure that you believe him.

''I love you too.''

Bucky shakes his head. ''You don't have to say it back.''

''James, I love you.'' You repeat with all the seriousness you can muster.

You can tell exactly when he believes you because you feel his heart start to pound against his ribcage.

''My perfect girl.''

You keep looking at each other, grinning like the two idiots in love that you are.

''Steve's going to fucking kill me.'' Bucky says, laughing.

''I'll kill him after.'' You joke.

''That's my girl.'' He smirks.

''Here's an idea.'' You put your free hand on his cheek. ''How about instead of talking about Steve, you kiss me?''

''Anything my princess wants, my princess gets.'' He winks right before crashing his lips onto yours, his arm around your back pushing you towards him.

You pull your hands away from his chest and wrap both of your arms around his shoulders instead. You carefully uncross your legs and move to tuck them under you instead. It's the first time that you've both had so much skin to skin contact and it doesn't take long before hands start to wander and that control is lost.

Bucky quickly breaks the kiss and licks his lips, panting. ''I need to stop before I can't stop.'' He chuckles.

''What if I don't want to stop?'' You look up at him, shyly.

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