ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪꜰᴛᴇᴇɴ: ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ

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The meeting lasts for over an hour as they work on coming up with a foolproof plan and back up plans just in case their first one isn't as foolproof as they think it's going to be. They also decide when to strike, they are sure it won't take long for the word to go around town that another charter has arrived and if they want to get the jump on Brock before he does it to them, they need to act fast while still being organized and prepared.

As it's already late, almost 11 pm by the time they are done with their meeting, they decide it best that they wait until morning to put their plan into action.

''Rest up, as much as you can. We need to be up early and I don't want anything to go wrong, I need all of you rested and sober.'' Steve eyes a few men who are well-known for going to bed late, drunk and/or high and with company. ''Does anybody have any questions?''

They all look at each other waiting to see if someone's going to speak up but they all stay silent.

''I'll take your silence as a no. Meeting is over, go grab your girls and get to bed. To sleep.'' He quickly adds the next part knowing his men all too well.

Most of the women went upstairs to their rooms to wait for their men but you aren't the kind of person that likes to sit around and wait so instead of going upstairs, you decide to clean everything up. By the time they come out of the room, the clubhouse is squeaky clean. You piled up the trash bags next to the front door because both Steve and Bucky would tear off your head for going outside alone, at night.

Steve lets out a low whistle when he sees how clean everything is. ''You girls worked hard while we were in there.''

You smile and nod without correcting him, if it makes Steve happy then you're more than willing to share the credits with the other women. After all it's not like they are upstairs doing nothing, most of them have children to take care of and they deserve to rest.

''Nice ass and she can clean. I wonder what else she's good at.'' A guy from the other charter says to the man standing next to him with a smirk on his lips as he eyes you up and down, blissfully unaware of how deep of a grave he just dug himself.

Bucky's jaw clenches as he hears what the other member says about you. He takes a step forward and holds out his hand for you. ''Ready to go to bed, beautiful?''

You smile and walk over to him, taking his hand.

As he intertwines his fingers with yours, he glares at the other charter member. ''Talk about my girl like that again and you're going to be eating through a straw for the next 6 months, got it?''

You frown as you see the other man become a lot paler as Bucky speaks to him but you know better than to ask questions in front of everyone. Bucky's eyes soften as they fall on you and he squeezes your hand gently before leading you upstairs without looking back.

He opens his room's door and lets you walk in first, following closely behind and making sure to lock the door after he closes it.

''What happened downstairs with that other guy?'' You take off your shoes next to the door and look up at Bucky.

He shakes his head and goes to sit on his bed to unlace his boots and take them off. ''He made a stupid comment about you thinking you were a hangaround.''


He stands up and puts his boots next to your shoes before taking you in his arms. ''It's fine, he won't do it again. He's dumb but not dumb enough to talk about their mother charter's VP's girl again.''

You put your arms around him and look up at him. ''So powerful.'' You chuckle.

''Damn right.'' He smirks and leans down to kiss you. ''As long as Steve's single you, my love, are the highest ranking woman in the clubhouse.'' He takes your fairy pendant between his fingers and brushes his thumb over it. ''Our very own princess. One day you'll be queen.'' He smiles.

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