No One But Me

229 7 1

- Imagine a jelly Risotto

NSFW ( nothing too extreme)

- Includes : some voyeurism , Exhibitionism, a quick mention of cockwarming

- (slight) Prosciutto x reader which leads to a jealous Ris

Word Count: 2213

No one But Me

The young woman cast her misty eyes down to the sight of the messy paperwork that littered La Squadra lead's desk.

Determinedly, her (e/c) colored irises stayed there, glued to the single spot, adjusted down to avoid the set of royal blue eyes that watched her with devotion.

What little of her flustered features Proscuitto had captured, intrigued him, starting from her shy eyes that hid beneath fanning, dewy lashes as she kept her sight drawn from him, to the stern, tight nip she used to press down her trembling lower lip.

Brazenly, he continued to gaze at her flustered face while, simultaneously, keeping half of his mind on what Risotto continued to speak of.

(f/n) wanted to cower away in shame and avoid ever having the striking orbs stuck on her for the rest of her life if she could, but instead, she remained unmoved, or at the very least, as still as she could.

- Because it wasn't like she could just stand up and walk away.

All three of them were currently in the superior's office.

The blonde male sat opposite to both (f/n) and Nero, occupying the space meant for the guest while Risotto rightfully sat on his high back lounge chair, and right on top of him was the sweet, little woman lewdly warming his strong thighs.

(f/n) could deal with sitting on his lap, doing just what she had so many times before.

It wasn't new, and by then everyone had become accustomed to it, enough so that it was, for the most part, overlooked.

However, it was one thing to be perched on his lap like a pet, it was another to be in the position she was now.

His thick, heavy cock had been rammed into her, her warmth sunken down to the base and held there as his hands were at each side of her waist, kneading the flesh with sweet, soft squeezes that encouraged her submissive behavior.

The two men spoke, but rather than find intrigue in the conversation, her mind had one sole focus as her entire body was controlled by the powerful man's generous thickness.

She was stretched to her limit, forced to take on what she thought was his full length, until of course, his grip tightened, the firm squeeze almost rising a peep out of her before he gave her a quick, greedy thrust upwards, showing her his true reach.

' Please no.' She inwardly cried. 'Please don't,' She continued to beg as her teeth raked over her lower lip until it let it loose and the thickened flesh fell back in place.

Heavy globs threatened to fall from her pooling (e/c) colored eyes as she then trapped the tip of her tongue between her teeth in a pathetic attempt to hold back the pleasured cry that was nearly torn from her at the robust dive.

' Please...' She inwardly moaned, ' I don't want him...' she started, straining to even form a coherent thought of anything that wasn't a plea to have him simply fuck her.

'Please... I don't want him to know,' she thought with dread, hoping that Prosciutto hadn't already caught onto what was happening right before him.

Risotto Nero x Reader insert Oneshot // drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now