• Chapter 1 •

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Noel's POV

It was my first day at school and I was nervous. What if I do something wrong? What if my wings decided to pop up out of nowhere? What if I accidentally use my powers? Bad thoughts filled my head.

Ok Noel. Breathe.

I got dress and brushed my teeth until they sparkled. Then I brushed my hair and applied some make up. I remembered about my tattoo and decided to cover it up with some foundation. I hope it wasn't that noticeable.

Zayn's POV

I heard that there was supposed to be a new girl at school today. I needed to teach her a few things about my school before she gets into trouble with me. I carpooled with my best friend Harry. He it's the romantic one of the group. Liam he is the serious one but, he could be fun at times. Niall is the one who keeps everyone's hopes up. Lastly there is Louis, he is quite the mess, he plays jokes and makes us laugh.

Then there is me. The mystery, the rebel, the vain one, and the trouble maker. I'm mostly the bad guy in our group but, they know that I don't mean it.

"Zayn hurry your flacking arse up." Harry said. I noticed that he put an effort to make himself look better.
"So... You're gonna try to get her heart before everyone else?" I asked him. He blushed a little.
"Maybe. I don't even know her." He said.
"You are one hopeless romantic." I said and shook my head.
"Maybe I am." He said and started pulling into the school driveway.

I saw her. She was cute from a distance.
"So that's her." Harry said while looking at her to.
"Yeah. Let me go teach her some of the rules." I said.
"Zayn just make sure you don't make the girl cry." Harry warned me.
"Chill out I think you should have a little faith in me." I said and started walking towards her.

Noel's POV
I felt someone walk up behind me.
"Excuse me." The voice said. I turned around only to meet his brown eyes.
"I'm Zayn Malik and I'm going to go over the rules with you." He said.
"Ok." I said, my voice slightly above a whisper.
"First of all, this is MY school. Secondly, if I ask you to do something you better do it or else I will hurt you. And lastly, if you do anything that I don't like then I'll make your life a living hell." He said. A part of me hated him the other part of my wanted to kiss him.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I asked.
"I can be your best friend or biggest nightmare. You decide." He said. His words felt threatening, like he wants me to say the wrong thing.
"Ok bestie what do I do now." I said and smiled.
"You follow me." He said and led me away from school.
"School is that way." I said.
"I know." He said with a smirk on his face. He led me to a guy with curly hair and emerald eyes. Zaymmmmm he was cute.
"Now Harry lets show her the ropes of being in our group." Zayn said giving Harry a look.
"Zayn... Are you sure about her being in a group full of boys?" Harry asked. His group was full of boys? Wow.
"Yes I'm sure. She just has to prove she can be in our group." Zayn said.
"You don't even know my name." I said. Zayn looked down.
"Sorry. What is your name?" He asked.
"It's Noel, don't wear it out." I said (A/N: CarrotMastaxXx came up with this come back so full credit to her). Zayn's eyes looked into mine. Instead of them being a light brown they were a dark brown.
"Listen here you litt-" he came closer so I defended myself. I'm used my powers to lift him up into the air. Good thing no one else was around, other than Harry.
"AHHHH! PUT ME DOWN!" He screamed. I did as he said.
"What the hell are you?" They both asked at the same time.
"I can't tell you." I said quietly. If they knew then they could tell everyone else and I would be tested and sent to a lab. I can't have that.
"Tell me know or I will tell everyone what you just did." Zayn threatened.
"Fine then let me show you." I said. I took of my sweater and held my wing neckless. My wings fluttered and lifted me to the air.
"Whoa. Cool." Harry said.
"Can you fly us places?" Harry asked.
"Maybe. But I don't want to drop you." I said while laughing. I looked at Zayn, his face was emotionless.
"Zayn. Say something." I pleaded.
"You... Wings... Air... I..." He stuttered.
"I knew this would happen. Why am I so stupid?" I said to myself and flew away.

Harry's POV

She flew away. Zayn's face was emotionless.
"Harry." He responded.
"We need to find her." I said and picked up her sweater that she left. It felt soft and fluffy, like a cotton candy.
"How?" He asked.
"I dunno."
"Oh Hazza."
"Yes Malik?"
"Do you like her?" Zayn asked.
"I just met her today." I said back.
"But you said you believe in love at first sight." He said.
"Where are you going with this? Wait... Does Zayn Malik have a crush?" I said and laugher.
"Not funny Hazz." He said with a serious look.
"Do you even remember her name?" I asked.

Zayn's POV

Harry asked me if I remember her name. How could I forget?
"Her name is Noel." I said and looked up to the sky.
"Dude you're blushing."


Hello my fellow Unicorns.
I bet you have all heard the news.
Zayn has left One Direction. 😿
I totally respect him for his decision. As long as he's happy. But, someone at school had told me that he was fired from the band, and I was like "whaattttttt?" I honestly don't know it's probably just a rumor.

Anyways I will be continuing with both fanfics about Zayn since he is still a part of 1D to me.

I love you all and to all a good day.

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