• Chapter 2 •

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Noel's POV

I flew away. I knew that if I told people who I really am they would freak out. The same thing happened to Jeff.

I was walking around in the store and I saw some pretty heels, so I tried to reach but, I'm short so I couldn't. Then this boy, about my age, reached for the heels.
"Thank you." I said.
"No problem." He smiled at me.
"What's you name?" I asked.
"Jeff. What's yours?"
"Cute name." He said.

A few weeks later...
"WHAT?!" He screamed. I told him that I had wings.
"Jeff please." I said.
"No get the f*** away from me." He said and left our apartment. He left and never came back. My eyes were like Niagara Falls.

Flashback ended~~

I found myself crying at my memories. Then, I flew into a pole.
"Damn you stupid pole. Who the f*** decided to put you there?!" I screamed at the pole. Then I flew back to the ground and sat under a tree in the middle of no where. Great, now I'm lost. Just frikken fantastic.

~20 min later~

"Noel?" I heard a deep voice call out. I didn't feel like answering.
"Noel!" The scream got louder. I still didn't answer. When someone runs... I mean flies away, they don't want to be found.
"Noel. We've been looking for you everywhere." I looked up and met his emerald eyes.
"Stop acting like you guys actually care about me." I said.
"I'm not acting." Harry said and sat next to me.
"He looked at me like I was a freak." I said referring to Zayn.
"Well you don't see people with wings and magical powers walk around here everyday." He said and laughed.
"I see them all the time." I said.
"What do you mean?"
"My eyes can see people like me."
"So do you want to go back to where Zayn is?"
"Sure. On one condition." I said.
"What is it?"
"Watch." I started spreading flying dust all over him and he started floating.
"Whoa." He said doing cartwheels in the air.
"Let's fly back." I said holding his hand and he told me where Zayn was. I started speeding up.
"Whoa there Peter Pan some of us are new to this." He said and we both laughed.
"So then your Wendy?" I questioned him.
"Maybe. But doesn't that mean that we are together?" He smirked.
"Whoa there." I said. We both started laughing and then I spotted Zayn.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" Harry screamed as we landed.
"Calm down." I said.

Zayn's POV

I saw Harry and Noel land in front of me.
"Hey Zayn. I found your true love." Harry teased me. I glared at him. Then I remembered our conversation earlier.

"Dude you're blushing." Harry started laughing.
"It's just really hot out here." I lied.
"Hot? It's England and we are barely in Spring." Harry said.
"So Harold would you mind telling me the Sports section of the news." I said.
"Listen. I'll go find her and bring her back and when I do you better come up with an apology." Harry said and left.

Flashback ended~~

"Zayn?" I heard someone call out.
"Huh?" I asked.
"You blanked out bro." Harry said.
"Who were you thinking about?" Noel asked.
"No one." I said.
"Mmmhhhh. I bet 10 pounds you were thinking about Noel." Harry smirked.
"Shut up." I said. Noel was laughing so hard she fell on the ground.
"Where were you?" I asked Noel.
"In the middle of nowhere." She said.
"Harry. Let me talk to Noel for a second." I said and Harry left us.

Noel's POV

Zayn ordered Harry to leave. Then he came closer to me and I stepped back until I reached the brick wall behind me.
"Don't be afraid." He said.
"Zayn... What the hel-" I got cut off by Zayn kissing me.

ERMMYGOD #scute!!
What do you guys think Noel's response will be?? Since it is spring break I will try to update almost everyday... But, if I can't it probably mean I'm grounded... 😁😁. Teehee??
Anyways have a good spring break and don't run with scissors.

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