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On Dipper's way back to the shack, he walks past many familiar faces who were in the mob earlier. He guesses that Stan made them leave since Soos said he was getting Stan before Dipper left. They were giving him dirty glares, making his fists clench in annoyance. Now is the only time Dipper wishes the memory gun wasn't broken.

With the shack in sight, his fists unclench as he feels every emotion in the book. And it suffocates him. He thinks about being in pure bliss with Robbie last night, only to have it ruined the next morning by a mob after his boyfriend and his boyfriend's family. He thinks about Wendy and how she went from being so kind and loving to him, to showing him nothing but disgust and attempting to kill him just a minute ago. And how Dipper had to go to such lengths to bring this betrayal to justice. Then again, he was acting on impulse. But he couldn't just let it go. He thinks about how rude he was to Gideon when the boy had just recently confessed to him. Dipper knows he could have talked it out with him - about him spreading Dipper and Robbie's secret. But does he really need to apologize for all of this?

By the time he finished thinking about all of this, he is already in the attic. His sister tried to communicate with him when he walked into the shack, but he was too caught up in his thoughts to register she said anything to him.

When he reached the center of the room, he fell to his knees. He didn't bother turning the light on. The still morning sun shining through the broken triangular window proved to be enough light in the room.

Did he make the right choices? Why is the whole world so against him lately? He began to cry. He couldn't hold back his emotions anymore. "Why?" he asked himself. His crying turned into full on bawling. The question "Why?" rang so loudly in head he felt like screaming.

He hears the attic door open. "Dipper," he hears his sister's voice. The door closes after a second, then silence. Footsteps approach him and he feels her sit next to him. She says nothing to him as he cries and sniffles.

He knows she's trying to give him company so he doesn't feel alone. She's done this all their lives and he's so grateful for it, from the bottom of his heart.

He suddenly hugs her, crying on her shoulder. All she does is hug him back and she tries her best to comfort him. Whispering things like, "Everything is going to be okay," "All this will be over before you know it," and "You both will be happy, I'll make sure of it."

Even after everything, she's always the one who sticks by him when things turn to hell. And he counts himself lucky to have a sibling like her.

The rest of the day passes by so slow from Dipper's perspective. While he was with his family, trying to be a normal family, he kept zoning out in depression, worrying about the future.

Mabel had asked him at some point about what he was gonna do now. He reminded her that he needed to go see Robbie tonight to offer his blood. And for some reason, she offered to come with him. He was shocked by this. Not by the fact that she would ask something like that but because he imagined how weird that situation would be and how she didn't realize this.

He had started to reject her offer, but she explained how she only ever wanted to help Dipper, and the past weeks she has felt like she's been no help at all. He could see how much this would mean to her. He could never decline when she was showing so much sincerity. It would break her heart.

When he told her she could, she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, drowning his ears in "thank you"'s.

Dipper and Mabel are here, standing outside of the woods' area at the dead of night where Robbie and his parents hide. When Dipper starts to walk in, Mabel takes in a deep breath before following him.

Clarity✨🥀|| Dipper x Robbie / Dipeon || [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now