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Dipper suspects many things from various people. He suspects encouragement and goofiness from his twin sister Mabel, he suspects randomness and childlike behavior from Soos, he suspects lies and illegal things from Gruncle Stan, he suspects nerdiness and seriousness from Gruncle Ford, he suspects coolness and recklessness from Wendy, he suspects more insecurities and preppiness from Pacifica, and he suspects obliviousness from the townsfolk. What Dipper never, in his life, would've suspected is what comes out of Gideon's mouth in Greasy's Diner after Mabel asked him who he had a crush on now since he just said he was now over her. It was a long conversation trying to get Gideon to spill. Until he finally spit it out.

"I like Dipper"

"Holy crap," Dipper says and flees. Gideon cries and Mabel pats him on the back. "He'll come through," Mabel tells him. "I don't know what made me like him I just do," Gideon explains.

Dipper is away from the diner and at the Mystery Shack. He blushes and paces in front of the stairs that lead to the attic.

"I've never been liked by a guy before. What's it like? Do I like him back? Should I like him back? Is he toying with me? He was always a weird freak to me. Being liked by him makes me see him in a whole new light and I can't stand it! I like him back don't I? I'll only be able to tell if I lay awake at night thinking about him," Dipper rationalizes until he notices Robbie walk in the gift shop.

"Dipper?" Robbie calls. "Since when has Robbie ever said my name?" Dipper asks quietly to himself. He meets Robbie in the gift shop and Robbie says, "Oh, hey, kid. I just came here to tell you something." "Ok?" Dipper responds.

Robbies sighs and finally says, "Me and Tambry broke up." "How?!" Dipper exclaims. "I think I like someone else," Robbie says lightly. "But that's impossible-" Dipper tries to say, but Robbie interrupts him with strain in his voice, "I think I like you."

Dipper and Robbie stand there in silence. Dipper walks away and Robbie sighs and leaves. Dipper walks with a slump to the attic and rocks back and forth in the closet. "I'm being liked by two different people who are BOTH GUYS! What am I gonna do?! Do I pick one or neither and stay straight?! What does each one want out of me? Wait, they're both my enemies. They must be working together to pull a fast one on me to turn me gay. They're trying to get me out of the closet!" Dipper rationalizes more.

"Dipper, get out of the closet!" Mabel commands jokingly. Dipper makes a face as he walks out of the closet. He decides to explain what happened.

"Mabel, not only does Gideon like me but Robbie just told me that he likes me too!" He exclaims. "wHAT?! Nooo!! That means you'll have to break one of their hearts! This is the worst!" She cries out. "Maybe they don't really like me," he says, "Maybe they're only working together to try and turn me gay then make fun of me!" "Dipper, I've talked to Gideon privately and this isn't a prank. But I don't know what Robbie's thinking. I thought he was with Tambry," she points out.

"He said they broke up," he says. "But how?! The love potion-" she gets interrupted by Dipper, "That's why I'm suspicious Mabel!"

Mabel scratches her chin and hums, "Maybe something happened. We have to fix it." "Mabel, remember the last time we tried that?" He asks recalling the Love God and the Anti-Love potion. "I know, I know," she says, "But I'm the one that got them together. I must be the one to mend their relationship right?" She questions.

"Whatever," Dipper says, giving up. "Are you okay, Dipper?" She asks him sincerely.

"Right now a guy, me, is questioning his sexuality because of this. Does that sound okay?!" Dipper shouts.

"...Sorry," Mabel apologizes, beginning to walk to the door. "No, Mabel, I'm sorry. I'm really stressed right now. But what if I end up liking Robbie and not Gideon? Just don't do anything about Robbie until I say so okay?" He asks her. "Okay..." she says.

Clarity✨🥀|| Dipper x Robbie / Dipeon || [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now